*This post is sponsored by the PRIMPNetwork.  All opinions are my own.


I would be lying if I said that 2017 has been a fabulous year for me.  It’s been one that has brought forth change, sadness, death and more problems and issues than good.  Having lost my Dad in June, I have been struggling to deal with all the challenges around me.  Then, to top it all off, I have to deal with my monthly “woman” things.  You know, that time of the month that makes us want to pull out our hair, crawl into bed and stay there for 7-10 days until it’s all over with.  While I’m on an IUD and don’t experience the messy parts of my monthly “not-so-best-friend”, I still experience all the aches and pains and emotional roller coaster that comes with it.  Ugh… as if that was enough, I’m bombarded with feelings that I don’t know how to deal with.  Today, I wanted to share with you my 3 very easy steps to promote positivity (with the help of Pamprin’s 21 Days of Positivity) and I hope my tips will help get you through that time of the month, or any time of year you may need it.

Start your day with a little positive affirmation

I think self-affirmations are definitely important, but I change it up a bit.  For years now I always start my day with a quote – reading from my favorite quote books or searching the internet for some.  If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I use quotes consistently.  Reading them aloud each day or using them as a form of inspiration will encourage positivity dramatically.

“Hey there, beautiful.  Go look in the mirror.  Really look at yourself.  Past the insecurities, past everything you think is wrong.  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.  Remember that!” – anonymous

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Surround Yourself with people that make you happy!

Are the people in your social circle building you up or tearing you down?  I believe whole-heartily that the company you keep helps to either encourage you or make things much more difficult.  My family (my husband and sons) are some of my biggest supporters.  Many say that we are such an elite team unit, but it’s because our ultimate goal is the success for each of us.  Together, we can move mountains and their positive and loving energy feeds my soul.

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Know that you are not alone, that everyone is struggling

I’ve always been the type of person that helped the little ol’ lady to cross the road or that would give my shirt to the homeless person if that’s all I could afford.  My Grandma Young always instilled in me that everyone is fighting a battle and that often times, a person’s smile is hiding their sadness.  After dealing with the unexpected death of my father just a few months ago, I have realized that I too hide my sorrows and pain well.  I take this thought and remind myself each day that a smile, a small gesture or even a lending hand can change a person’s entire day around.  Spreading positivity with encouraging words or help not only helps the recipient, but you also feel good about yourself as well.

“Never underestimate the pain of a person, because, in all honesty, everyone is struggling.  Some people are better at hiding it than others.” – Will Smith

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Join Pamprin and I and form a Habit!

Have you ever heard that it takes 21 Days to form a habit?  I remember when I worked in Corporate America and that was instilled into our brains.  Well, it really is true.  If you can do something for 21 days straight, consistently – well then, you can certainly continue to do so.  Pamprin invites you to 21-Days of Positivity.  Repeat this 7-Day Cycle below three times.  Since habits form after 3-weeks of consistent and intentional effort, you’d be amazed at what you can accomplish and how it will all come together.

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Day 1 – Start today w/3 positive self-affirmations.  Attach your list to your mirror.  Read them aloud every day.  Add to the list every day.

Day 2 – Find positive company.  Who are the stars in your social circle?  Who builds you up?  Stick with the stars and become one.

Day 3 – Make a list of things for which you are grateful.  An attitude of gratitude is a sure fire way to attract positive vibes.

Day 4 – Give yourself and others an “atta girl (boy).  When you give encouraging words, you also receive them.

Day 5 – Seek, and you will find.  We are responsible for choosing our perception.  Look for the good, and you’re 100% guaranteed to find it.

Day 6 – Find what brings you joy and order it up every single day.  Unlike fleeting pleasure, joy is consistent.  We cultivate it internally.

Day 7 – Stop to smell the roses.  Give one away.  Be present minded enough to give and receive life’s simple gifts.

Day 8 – Hit “re-play” and make it a habit.  Positive thinking begets positive action.  Positive action (over and over) creates positively powerful results.

3 Easy Steps to Promote Positive Thing With Pamprin


I’m excited to be working with Pamprin.  Here’s the deal – we all need positivity in our lives and with the holidays approaching, it’s a must to be able to deal with everything life throws at us.  It doesn’t help with the dreaded aches and pains that come with our monthly friend, so with a little help from Pamprin in thinking positive and developing positive habits, while helping with the uncomfortable pain and irritability, I think we can do it!  Being a woman, after all, is a superpower, right?

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Pamprin Multi-Symptom contains three active ingredients:  an antihistamine to relieve irritability, a diuretic to fight against the bloating and the dreadful water weight gain and a pain reliever to help alleviate cramps.  Pamprin Multi-Symptom treats all menstrual symptoms from bloating, pain and cramps and irritability.  It doesn’t just treat the pain.  It has the same strength as Extra Strength Tylenol PLUS the added benefits of fighting against bloating and irritability.


I encourage all of you in joining me in the 21-Days of Positivity Challenge!  I know you’ll be absolutely amazed at what you can accomplish over the next 21 days.  If you need a little (or a lot) of help during your time of the month, I also definitely suggest you check out Pamprin Multi-Symptom.  It’s hard to remain positive when you’re dealing with bloating, cramping and pain and irritability.  So, get a little help from your friend (me) and check it out.

Disclaimer:  This post is sponsored by PRIMPNetwork in collaboration with Pamprin.  All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased.  Affiliate links may be posted through out.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


  1. Allison @neversaydiebeauty Reply

    Wonderful tips, Honey! I loved seeing the new photo of you and your young men. Your oldest son definitely looks like a young man now, and the twins are little anymore. What a handsome brood!

  2. I’m so happy to be beyond that but even when I stopped getting my period I still had the moodiness and irritability. It’s good to find all the positive rather than just dwell on what’s wrong.

  3. Eeeep, those days are the worst! This year began well for me, but the second half hasn’t been very nice so far (hope it looks up from now on). I usually pop an NSAID and don’t get out of bed on “those” days 🙁

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I lost mine in November of last year and went kinda crazy for a while there. Being surrounded by family during such a time is most definitely a blessing!

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