I can’t believe it is that time of year again!  Last week all three of my boys went back to school.  My eldest started his first year of Middle School and my twins were off to Kindergarten.  I’m not gonna lie, my schedule is naturally busy but getting back into the routine of school again is always a challenge for everyone in our house.  As if our schedules were not already tight, my eldest also started Football Season the other day and practice has us going five to six days a week… exhausting. There are many things that keep me going while my schedule has me running on fumes and I’m always lucky to find a little sweet treat that not only satisfies that little chocolate craving – but also helps to curb my appetite a couple of extra minutes while I get things situated before dinner.  This year, I’ve been enjoying M&M’S® Crispy as a snack and love sharing them with my husband and my sons.

Busy Mommy Approved - M&M’S® Crispy Treats

Back to school time means that I really need to keep myself much more organized to keep on top of my daily tasks.  It’s during those times that I also tend to skip a meal or two in lieu of trying to get everything I need to do accomplished.  To help curb my appetite while I’m working or down to the grind on a deadline, I am always looking for a little snack that will satisfy my little sweet craving and keep me going till dinner.  I have found a new love in M&M’S® Crispy and absolutely love that while I’m busy working and my sons are doing homework, we can take a quick snack break and enjoy.

Busy Mommy Approved - M&M’S® Crispy Treats

My sons, husband and I enjoyed this treat when we tried it originally, and now back by popular demand M&M’S® Crispy returned to the shelves nationwide this past January for the first time since 2005.  M&M’S® Crispy offers a way to enjoy America’s favorite chocolate candies with fewer calories per serving and I still love that the same “melt in your mouth, not in your hand” candy coating reminds me of my childhood.  M&M’S® Crispy were the No.1 most requested variety to bring back between 2005 and 2014 and our household is definitely a fan.  Doesn’t it just bring back memories hearing about the crunchy treat… “made of rich milk chocolate, sweet rice puff center that’s crispy and crunchy and coated in the world-famous candy shell.”

Busy Mommy Approved - M&M’S® Crispy Treats

Busy Mommy Approved - M&M’S® Crispy Treats

While the boys are in school and I’m planning for the week ahead or focusing on a deadline that is upcoming, I enjoy popping two or three of these milk chocolate crunch treats in my mouth.  I’m not gonna lie, sometimes it helps me focus a bit and there are times when I need something in my tummy to help my brain work faster – lol.  These are portable and make a great snack while enjoying your summer festivities (especially if you are still on summer break) or a great after school snack for my boys when they have completed their homework.

Busy Mommy Approved - M&M’S® Crispy Treats

And, when things are winding down for the night and I am sitting down with my planner, making notes for the following day, this makes a nice “me time” snack after the kids have settled in for the night.  M&M’S® Crispy is definitely MOMMY APPROVED and I’m glad I get to share a brand I loved in my childhood with my children today.  What is your favorite on-the-go or quick snack to satisfy that sweet tooth?

Signature Honey

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


  1. I haven’t had the crispy’s but I always have M&M’s in my house.

  2. FabZilla_Kath Reply

    Chocolates give me migraines, what a sad life I have. I can only stare 🙂

    • my sister is the same way – she can’t have chocolate, caffeine or anything similar to that or she has migraines and her migraines cause her nausea… she’s had it since she was 4. So I totally understand.

  3. Lola Seicento Reply

    I love peanut M&Ms, but I have never tried the crispy’s! I love Rice Krispy treats, so I bet I would love these!

  4. Pubali Babi Chatterjee Reply

    Have to try these! Sounds yummy! I love crispy things!

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