


If there’s one thing that all parents can agree on, it’s that parenting is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. And, things only get harder as they get older and puberty hits. It can be particularly challenging when you feel like your teenager is going through a hard time and you can’t do anything about it. Sadly, there’s not much you can do about the things teenagers have to face like worries about their grades, peer pressure, and the ongoing changes in their body.

When this happens, it can lead to emotional and behavioral struggles, and while you want to do everything in your power to make things better for them, it’s simply impossible. If you’re worried about your teenager, check out these tips on how you can help them tackle these struggles and learn positively from their experiences.

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Learn the signs

Teenagers are well known for their erratic mood swings and out-of-the-ordinary behavior. And, while it can be challenging, it’s completely normal for them to push boundaries or struggle with the way their changing hormones are making them feel and act. So how do you know when there are signs that you should be worried about? Your teenager might show signs like:

  1. Unexplained decline in their grades
  2. Consistently changing friend groups
  3. Use of drugs or alcohol
  4. Talk of self-harm or suicide
  5. Unusual anger or defiance

These signs usually indicate deeper issues that will need lots of attention and support. Remember that if your teenager shows these signs, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are “troubled”. These signs are usually a cry for help because they are experiencing things they don’t know how to process yet. Being there for them (without judgment) is the best first step you can take when it comes to tackling these behaviors.

Keep communication open at all times

Teenagers often close themselves off because they don’t feel like they’re being listened to or because they feel whatever they say is going to get them into trouble. And, while it’s important for you to take action if you hear something alarming about them, it’s how you handle the situation that will make all of the difference.

Take the time to actually spend time with your teenager! While it’s natural for teenagers not to want to spend every waking moment with Mommy, they also want that time to talk. Make the effort to actually listen to what they have to say, and avoid interrupting them. Even if you don’t agree with what they’re saying or don’t particularly like it, you’re building their trust to come to you no matter what’s going on in their lives.

How you communicate with your teen is also something to concentrate on. Sometimes asking “Did you have a good day?” might make them focus on all of the things they feel may have gone wrong. Instead, try asking, “What was the best part of your day?” or “Is there anything challenging happening to you that I can help with?” Again, prepare yourself to remain calm and really listen to what they have to say. 

While your teenager trusts you with lots of aspects of their life, building that trust in communication will take time, so be patient!

Lay out some boundaries

Your teenager is at a place in their lives where they’re naturally going to want more independence. However, as a parent, you also want to make sure their health and well-being is a top priority. That’s why it’s important to sit them down and lay out some boundaries as soon as possible.

As an example:

“We’re happy for you to go and visit your friends after your homework is done, but you must keep your location live at all times, and you must be home on time”

Approaching situations where both parties have to give and take will help teach your teenager self-discipline and respect for other people’s boundaries. These skills will help them in their adult life as well.

Setting boundaries will also mean respecting their privacy as well. Yes, you need to stay informed in their lives to make sure they’re not making any bad decisions, but at the same time, they also need to learn how to make those decisions.

It might take some adjusting and patience, but over time you will find that balance and find that they respect your wishes when you give them that little bit more space.

Support their mental health

More and more teenagers are experiencing mental health challenges like depression and anxiety these days. A large part of that is their exposure to the online world. Not so long ago, you couldn’t speak to your friends until you were back at school. Nowadays, you can speak to complete strangers! Make sure you’re monitoring their social media use, especially if they are joining in with trends on platforms like TikTok, as this can have a negative effect on their mental health.

It’s not just social media that causes feelings of anxiety and depression in teenagers. They might be experiencing bullying at school, a drop in their grades, or even peer pressure to do things they’re not comfortable doing. If you notice a change in their behavior or they tell you they’re struggling with their mental health, it’s time to take action ASAP. Remember to be open-minded when talking about mental health, and never hesitate to get professional help. The sooner action is taken, the sooner your teen can recover.

Teach them about peer pressure

Speaking of peer pressure, it’s something that every teen goes through at some point or another. As a parent, it’s important to teach your teen early on how to find the strength to say no to something they don’t want to do. Don’t be afraid to talk about certain scenarios that they might find themselves in like trying a cigarette, underage drinking, sex, or even drugs. Your teenager might even have experienced some peer pressure that they want to talk to you about.

Your teenager might even find it helpful to rehearse their responses for certain situations. Sometimes knowing exactly what to say will make it easier for them to say no and escape the situation. Remember, if your teen calls you to go and collect them after getting out of a situation like this, it’s important to praise them for not succumbing to peer pressure. This will give them the confidence to do it if needed in the future.

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Recognise when they need extra support

Unfortunately, some teenagers don’t get the support they need right from the start, and this can lead to them ending up in a youth detention center. And, if that’s happened to your teen, it doesn’t mean you can’t help them turn things around!

However, in these detention centers, your teenager might experience awful things like physical and sexual abuse. If you suspect (or know) your teenager has been a victim of something like this, it’s time to take action.

Your best bet is to start by speaking to a sexual abuse lawyer for youth detention centers as soon as possible. They can help pursue legal action, get monetary compensation for suffering, and offer you and your teen guidance to get through this difficult time.

Now is also the time to get some medical advice for your teenager too. A Doctor will be able to recommend therapy sessions and check your teen for any physical damage to help them begin the healing process. It’s awful to think about, but it’s also something to make sure you’re wary of.

Encourage them to explore new activities

Teenagers often lack self-confidence, especially when they see others online that look and act differently from the way they do. That’s why it’s important to encourage them to find activities they enjoy and thrive at. When this happens, their self-confidence levels rise, and your teen will find it much easier to navigate each day.

Whether it’s joining a local team or joining a music club to play their favorite instrument, that feeling of accomplishment will help boost their spirits! Make sure you’re there to celebrate their hard work!

Find trusted adults (aside from their parents)

Finally, as much as it might hurt, sometimes teenagers find it easier to talk to adults who aren’t their parents. Make sure you encourage your teenager to talk to other trusted adults like teachers, other members of your family, or even a close family friend. This will allow you to rest assured that even if they don’t come to you for advice, they will be given advice from someone you know will have their best interests at heart.

Not only that, the larger the circle of support around your teenager, the better. It’s good for their mental well-being to know that in all walks of life, there is an adult that they can lean on if they’re in trouble, scared, or even want to share some great news with.

Raising teens can be a challenge for anyone but with a little guidance and love, you can help your teen overcome and navigate through their challenging years.

Disclaimer:  This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased. Affiliate links are posted throughout. Feel free to read my Disclaimer Page for details and information on collaborative (collab) posts, guest posts, sponsored posts, affiliate links, and more.

Stress can be a constant trial for parents. If you are overly stressed, then you’re going to feel overwhelmed and as though you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. That’s why it’s important to explore ways that you can manage high levels of stress in your life. Here are some of the key possibilities we recommend you explore. 

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Me Time 

First, you must ensure you are getting an ample amount of ‘me’ time. Me time will mean that you can relax throughout the day and the year, never feeling completely overwhelmed or exhausted due to all the personal tasks you need to complete. There’s no set rule on how you should spend your me time. It’s all about finding an option that works best for you. 


It will benefit you to prioritize fitness and exercise. Studies show that by exercising, you can easily reduce the amount of tension that you are feeling daily. There are lots of different types of exercise that could be beneficial here as well. For instance, you might want to try cold water swimming, Or you could think about a choice such as yoga. The benefit of yoga is that you can complete it in virtually any environment whether you are at work, at home, or away on vacation. Ultimately, it’s your choice how you keep fit and it’s all about finding something that is going to keep you interested and keep your focus in the long term. 


Next, you should think about your diet. Various studies highlight the fact that your diet can have a huge impact on your mental health as well as your overall stress levels. If you are worried about this then you should consider steps that you can take to improve your diet. There are a few possibilities that are worth exploring here. For instance, you should do your best to avoid fast food. Fast food is filled with both fat and sugar as well as salt. As well as this, you can also explore quick meals and snacks that are healthy such as bowls of fruit or even something like stirfry. 


Another point to consider that could be playing into your levels of stress is the environment. If you are working or living in the wrong environment, then you could struggle with higher levels of stress than usual. There are a few ways to rectify this situation. For instance, you might want to think about adding more greenery around your home. Studies show that plants remove toxins from the air which can often result in a far more peaceful, relaxing environment overall which is exactly what you need if you are currently struggling with high levels of stress in your life. 

Gentle Parenting 

You might also want to consider your type of parenting. Some types of parenting can instantly result in people feeling higher levels of stress overall because they are constantly on high alert. There are a few ways that you can deal with this situation. For instance, you might want to think about exploring an option like gentle parenting. Gentle parenting essentially means that you avoid resorting to anger when managing your children and also avoid negative terms that can lead to frustration for both sides. This is a great way to help guarantee that your home doesn’t transform into a battleground between you and your kids. 

Ask For Support 

You might feel as though you are completely alone as a parent but this is not the case. You will always have a support system around you that you can lean on for support. It’s not uncommon for parents to feel guilty about doing this. But you have to remember, that this is exactly what these people are there for. If you ever feel like you need extra help, then it’s important that you feel as though you can rely on those around you. You might even want to think about joining social groups to make sure that you are connected to people who experiencing the same highs and lows of parenting as you are. 

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Set Goals 

Next, you should make sure that you are setting goals for yourself. Setting goals will ensure that you feel as though your life has both purpose and direction in the future. These two things don’t always feel easily achievable but by setting goals, it will always feel as though your life is moving forward. You’ll never feel as though you are stuck or glued in place. Feelings like this are disheartening and will lead to far more stress for you as a parent in the future.

Keep A Schedule 

It’s vital that you keep a schedule when you are managing stress as a new or seasoned parent. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling as though you can let things slip away from you. If you do this, then you’ll end up in a situation where you are never being productive throughout the day. This is going to lead to every day feeling both tiring and monotonous at the same time. You can use an app to stay on a set schedule through the day so that you again, feel as though you are working towards something. 

Avoid Doom Scrolling 

One of the worst things that you can do if you are feeling stressed is doom scroll. Doom scroll refers to endless scrolling on social media and often viewing endless stories that are doom and gloom. There’s a lot of this going on lately but you mustn’t get sucked in because once you do it can be difficult to see any light at all. This doesn’t mean that you should avoid technology completely but there are other more productive ways that you can use tech in your spare time. For instance, you might want to think about playing Sudoku. As well as relaxing, this is also a great step you can take to keep your brain active. 

Consider Therapy 

You might also want to consider therapy if you are struggling with high levels of stress as a parent. Over the years there has been a stigma on needing to get therapy. People often avoid therapy completely because they feel as though it’s going to cause them more stress and anxiety in the future. However, we’re happy to say that’s not the case. In reality, anyone and everyone could benefit from a little bit of therapy. It can help you tackle the root issues that might be causing your high levels of stress.

Set A Budget

Another point to think about is your budget. If you want to manage stress as a parent, then you need to consider the common causes of your stress and there are quite a few to contend with here. However, arguably, one of the things that keeps most people up at night is money woes. If you struggle with money, then you are always going to find yourself more stressed than usual. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you are setting a budget and have enough money available each month whenever you require it. 

Focus On The Right Sleep 

It’s important to make sure that you are getting enough sleep each night. If you struggle to get the right amount of sleep, then you are going to find it more difficult to keep your stress levels under control in the future. The good news is that there are lots of ways that you can easily improve your sleeping habits. For instance, you might want to think about changing your sleep environment. For instance, you could invest in a more comfortable mattress that can provide you with a far better night’s sleep overall. 

Teach Children To Cope With Stress 

You might also want to think about exploring how you can teach your children to cope with stress. If you can ensure that your children can manage their stress, then you are less likely to struggle with stress yourself. There are lots of different ways that you can help your children manage high levels of stress in your life. For instance, you could think about simple breathing exercises as an effective coping mechanism.

Practice Meditation 

Finally, you might want to think about practicing meditation. Through the art of meditation, you can make sure that you feel far more relaxed daily. There are lots of guides online that you can use to learn how to meditate more effectively. People think that meditating is always going to be quite complicated. The reality is that it’s rather easy to learn how to meditate and the benefits certainly add up to more than the time needed to spend focused on this process. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to effectively manage stress as a parent. In doing so, you can guarantee that this does not begin to impact your overall quality of life or change how your children perceive you. 

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Disclaimer:  This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased. Affiliate links are posted throughout. Feel free to read my Disclaimer Page for details and information on sponsored posts, affiliate links, and more.

This Easter, why not spend quality time with your family at home and enjoy some fun activities together? Here is a list we’ve put together of 8 fun activities you can do right in your home. 

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1. Get Creative with Egg Decorating: 

Get creative and have a competition between the family to decorate eggs using materials found around the house. Whether you use paint, ribbon, feathers, or even Popsicle sticks – the possibilities are endless when it comes to designing festive Easter eggs! Don’t forget to vote for the best-decorated egg at the end. 

2. Design an Easter Scavenger Hunt: 

This is a great way to get everyone out and about around the house or garden. Hide small Easter-themed prizes inside eggs or baskets and hide them around the house or garden. You could even use clues to lead your children from one prize to another! Make sure you don’t leave any eggs outside, though – their sweet smell will tempt wildlife!

3. Hold a Baking Contest: 

Inject some fun into your usual baking routine with some delicious Easter treats! Gather together all of your favorite ingredients and see who can create the most impressive Easter treat in the family – whether it’s an Easter bunny cake, hot cross buns, cookies, or some chocolatey brownies. 

4. Plan a Movie Night: 

If it’s raining outside, why not stay indoors and cuddle up with a movie? So many Easter-themed movies are on the market which you can enjoy as a family. There’s something for everyone, from some of the best movies about Jesus to classic Easter cartoons. 

5. Read Easter Stories: 

Gather around the living room and get cozy as you share stories about Jesus and the Bible. There are also many classic tales that center around Easter, which can be really enjoyable for kids of all ages. You could even write your own story together! 

6. Play Boardgames:

Board games are a great way to keep everyone entertained, especially the younger members of your family. From puzzles and strategy-based games to classic favorites like Monopoly, there’s sure to be something for everyone in the family. 

7. Have a Family Photo Shoot: 

Gather everyone, pose in Easter-themed outfits, and snap fun family photos. This is a great way to capture special memories that can be kept forever! Use props like bunny ears or colorful Easter eggs to make your photos even more memorable.  

8. Create Your Own Easter Crafts: 

Get creative and use materials you can find around the house to create your own unique Easter crafts. For example, you could decorate paper eggs or craft fun bunny ears with construction paper and pipe cleaners. Remember to take photos of your creations! 

We hope this list of activities has inspired you to spend some quality time with your family this Easter. Whether it’s baking together, creating an Easter scavenger hunt, or making some crafts, these are great ways to get creative and have fun as a family. Have a wonderful Easter holiday!

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased. Affiliate links are posted throughout. Feel free to read my Disclaimer Page for details and information on sponsored posts, affiliate links, and more.

When you’re a busy mom it can be difficult to find time for yourself. However, self-care should always be a priority. You need to make sure that you are taking time to pour into yourself so that you will have more to give to your family. 

This is often easier said than done and they find themselves running about the day feeling stressed. If you are in this situation, here are some tips that you can use to make sure that you are taking time for yourself.

Get Kids to Help With Chores

Getting your kids to help with the chores is one way to make time for yourself. It would be best if you started teaching your children responsibility from early and in doing so you will free up a lot of time that you can use for self-care. 

Even if your children are younger they can still help to do small things that will take the burden off of you. One step in having the children help is making sure that your kids learn how to clean up after themselves. 

See that they take up their toys and reward them appropriately when they do. You must build a spirit of teamwork in your home early. This is one of the best ways to help free up your time so that you can take some time for yourself. 

It is not just the kids that you should get involved in chores. If you have a spouse, you need to make sure that you discuss with them how you can divide up the chores equally so that both of you can find some time to rejuvenate.

Photo by  Anastasia  Shuraeva

Wake Up Earlier

One thing you can do is to make sure that you wake up an hour or two before the rest of your family.  This is essential and something I do daily and have been doing for years.

Taking this approach gives you some time to yourself before your children wake up. Many children can sense when you are up and will get up as well. Changing up your morning routine a little to get some time before the hectic day begins it’s a great way to reset yourself for a new day.

You can use this time to journal, meditate or even exercise. If you’re a new parent this can be challenging and you will probably need to be a bit creative as you may already be sleep deprived. You can read these survival tips for new parents to help you cope.

Schedule It

As a planner and someone who strives on to-do lists – it is extremely important and necessary for me to schedule some “me time” in my planner. It may become necessary for you to schedule time for yourself when you are a busy mom. Planning every hour of the day and making sure that you are putting in time for yourself may be the only way you get to have it.

Use a daily planner if necessary to schedule your time alone. Try time blocking if possible to see if it works for you. Many people have found this an effective way in which they can schedule their day so that everything gets fitted in.

Scheduling time for yourself this way may seem mechanical but often busy moms put themselves last and having your schedule that clearly defines when you get alone time is often necessary to make sure that it happens.

Start a Hobby

Starting a new hobby is one way in which you can force yourself to get some self-care and alone time. This is especially useful if your hobby is outside of the house.

It makes it less easy for you to switch back into mom the minute one of your children calls you. During your time for your hobby, you can schedule a babysitter to come and take care of your kids so that you can go and do your hobby without worrying. 

Take a look at your interests and try to find something that is challenging but fun at the same time. This will keep you motivated to continue doing your hobby. 

If necessary take a class so that you can learn everything necessary for your hobby. For example, you can take up a pottery class or dance class.

Switch Careers

This may not be something you can do but if it is right for you then do not be afraid to meet. If you find yourself over-taxed by everything that you have to do,  and you are unable to find a good work-life balance it may be time to consider a new career. 

While this is a drastic step sometimes it is necessary. Especially if the inability to find time for yourself is affecting your health. Sometimes the only way to resolve it is simply by switching careers. 

If you can’t switch careers then consider getting a job that is more flexible. One that helps you to have a better work-life balance. There are now hybrid jobs available where you can work in the office on some days and work from home on others.

Consider freelancing work instead of a regular 9 to 5. This way you can take time for yourself and work whenever you want to. The bottom line is that you need to take the time to take care of yourself.

Join a Gym

You must start exercising. However, you may find it difficult to exercise at home for various reasons. One way in which you can cultivate self-care time is to join a gym. 

The time that you are away from home and at the gym can be a time of self-care and reflection. You could exercise at home but you might find yourself distracted. This results in feeling required to tend to the needs of your family members.

Get out of the house if you can. If you need motivation try finding a workout buddy to go along with you. While this may not be classified as alone time, it does get you out of the house. This time helps get you thinking about your well-being.

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Do a Solo Trip

Solo trips are not something that many people think about especially after having children. But it is something that you should consider if you want to take time for yourself and get quality self-care. For your solo trip, you can travel to another part of the country or even out of the country. You could even take a weekend getaway and have a little staycation outside of the home.

Many people find that solo travel is refreshing and it connects them with parts of themselves that they had lost. Whether from being in relationships or from taking care of their children. When you are on your own and traveling, it forces you to be in solitude. This jumpstart also helps to keep your survival skills high. 

You may discover things about yourself that you never knew while on a solo trip. This past year and into 2023, I have been traveling more and it has surely done wonders for my self-care.

Find the Time

It can be very difficult to find the time to take care of yourself, but you must. It is often said you can’t pour from an empty cup and this is very true. 

When you are a mom it may seem as if you will never have the time to take care of yourself. By carefully looking at how you currently use your time you can make time for yourself. The important thing is that just as you make taking care of others a priority you should do so for yourself as well.

Once you do so, you will be well on your way to creating a healthy work-life balance that sees you prioritizing yourself and your needs. I hope that these simple tips can help you in giving self-care a chance. Being a mom is a full-time job, whether you work at home, outside the home, or are a homemaker – parenting is a job all its own. But we must not forget how important it is to also care for ourselves. Make You a priority too!

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased. Affiliate links are posted throughout. Feel free to read my Disclaimer Page for details and information on sponsored posts, affiliate links, and more.

On January 12th, 2022 – my family and I had the opportunity to visit the Universal Studios Hollywood Theme Park and Attractions. It was my first time going to the one in Hollywood, having only been to the one in Orlando. My children have not been to the Hollywood one either, so it was kind of a first-time experience for us all. If you’ve been reading other posts about our recent travel, this vacation included a lot of firsts.

Booking our Adventure

We booked our Universal Studios Hollywood experience through their website more than a month in advance of our trip. Having booked Disneyland Tickets and Reservations, I knew that it would be best to have everything we needed prior to arriving in California, so it was the best choice for my family.

What is the Universal Express Pass?

The Express Pass is a Universal Studios pass that is offered and available for purchase with a paid theme park ticket. At the current time as well as when we purchased our tickets, the 1-Day Universal Express ticket was $189.00 per person. Since my sons are all over the age of 12 – they paid a full fare.

The Universal Express Pass includes the following:

  • One-Time express access to each ride, attraction, and seated show (this is not for every attraction, ride and show and you’ll be told this as you check-in)
  • 1 Day General Admission to the Park (You select the date at checkout and this is only valid for the selected date)

The standard 1-Day General Admission is about $109 (depending on the time of year) so you do pay almost twice the amount with Express, but since we only had one day at Universal, my husband and I wanted to ensure that we were able to accomplish all the things we had planned. Our goal was to get in as many rides as we could so the boys would have a great experience.

What kinds of attractions can we expect?

Like with other theme parks, Universal Studios Hollywood had all kinds of things for all ages. Since we took on the park during January and on a Wednesday, I think that really helped with the number of people that were visiting. While it was busy – it was still not as busy as we had anticipated and for the most part, we were able to get on the rides more than once with minimal wait times.

Food lines were probably the longest wait and many different food vendors were not open since we started our day at the park quite early.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

One of our highlights most definitely had to be the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I’m a huge huge Potterhead and have been looking forward to visiting Hogwarts and exploring all the things the space had to offer. Of course, we tried Butterbeer, but outside of that we didn’t really stop and grab any food.

Three Broomsticks was not open while we were there since we stopped at the Wizarding World first upon arrival at the park. The Magic Neep Cart was also not open till well after we left and came back in the afternoon, so we didn’t stop there either. Hog’s Head offered Pumpkin Juice and Butterbeer but they were located within Three Broomsticks and we grabbed Butterbeer from a cart located outside. I would have loved to had tried Three Broomsticks, especially since I’m a huge fan of Turkey Legs and Shepherd’s Pie, but unfortunately – we didn’t wait around for them to open.

We rode on the Happy Potter and the Forbidden Journey – TWICE! It was definitely fun and worth it. Keep in mind that it has much more movement throughout the ride than I expected, but I loved it and the boys did as well. You’ll be given a locker that you set with your fingerprint to hold your things. Make sure you utilize that because little things can easily get lost if not locked up.

We also rode the Flight of the Hippogriff – which the boys enjoyed tremendously. They rode it five times before we left the park and while it’s a smaller scale rollercoaster, I think it was fun enough for even a teen to really enjoy.

Jurassic World

We couldn’t go to Universal Studios Hollywood without riding on Jurassic World. The boys enjoyed it and while we did get pretty soaked on the ride, it was a great thrill and definitely fun! Of course – we also had to do the Studio Tour. I did it in Orlando and loved it so I wanted to boys to experience the same kind of fun. They definitely enjoyed it and we had a blast. Of course, we had to take a look at all the awesome Dinosaur things (including Raptors) while in the Lower Lot. Make sure to stop and check out all the different stores, and more in that section, because it can be easy to just leave without a second thought of it.

Visit the Kwik-E-Mart and the gang from the Simpsons or check out Despicable Me Minion Mayhem. Another fun thing to do is the DreamWorks Theatre featuring Kung Fu Panda. That particular attraction is fun for the whole family because you’re sitting in a theatre-style setting and experiencing everything in a comfy (but moving) seat.

Did we enjoy ourselves?

Sharing this experience with my family was Amazing! Honestly, we didn’t expect the park to be so easy going on that day – but we are thankful since we weren’t rushing. The park opened at 10 am and closed at 5:30 pm so we truly didn’t have as much time there as we would have liked. After the park closed to walked over to CityWalk and grabbed a few yummies like Voodoo Donut.

We grabbed some giant pretzels while out and about through the park and also had a turkey leg from a vendor. I love Turkey Legs, but as much as I did – honestly, Universal’s does not compare to Disney’s. If you are expecting a turkey leg the size of what you get at Disney – you’ll be disappointed. We noticed it was significantly smaller – but still pretty good.

Is Universal Express Worth It?

If you’ve never been to Universal Studios Hollywood before or only have a short time to spend there – YES, I think it is. While it was not busy on the day we went, I definitely can see how it can be crazy during peak times of the year. Quick note – January is really a nice time to go and cool enough to not feel so overwhelmingly hot. Since we only had about 6 hours or so at the park that day – even if the lines were not too bad, we definitely didn’t want to miss out on a thing. If you have a short time to visit and a family, definitely get Express. Since we traveled all the way from Hawaii, I wanted to make sure we could make use of our time there and I wanted to boys to experience all the attractions.

Does Express Pass include Photos?

Unfortunately – the Express Pass does not include photos. While photos were taken of us on some rides, we were able to purchase a digital package (which cost $69). That cost is for one day only and we only had a total of 5 images. I remember visiting Orlando years ago and it was about $20 per image. So I think you do save with the day pass, but it’s still a hefty cost.

Covid-19 Protocol

NOTE: The regulations are a bit different between Universal and Disneyland since Universal Studios is a part of LA County. All persons 5+ must be prepared to show proof of full FDA or WHO-approved COVID-19 Vaccination (a full 14 days after final dose was administered) or negative test taken within 24 hours. Regardless of Vaccination status or negative test results, face coverings are required to be worn at all times, both indoors and outdoors when visiting the theme park. The same goes for Universal CityWalk. We removed our mask quickly to take photos and while eating, but always wore a mask throughout the park on our day of visit.

Final Thoughts

Overall – like with any theme park no matter where you go, there will be a ton of walking, long lines and you’ll get your occasional unhappy person. But, this was a first-time experience for my twins Luke and Isaiah and also for Kevin Ka’eo who had gone to Orlando as a baby and really would not have remembered. Since they are old enough to experience these things, it made it so much more memorable. We definitely had a blast and it’s a place we hope to visit again soon.

A few tips for those planning a visit:

  • Make sure you’re dressed comfortably and have comfortable shoes or footwear that you can walk in all day.
  • Bring a small water bottle with you because it’s best to stay hydrated. Many vendors were not available or open when we first entered the park, so it’s best to be prepared.
  • Download the Universal Studios App so you can track your parking location, view dining options and so much more. You don’t get a map when you enter the park. So the app will be your map for directions to restrooms, dining, etc.
  • If you are parking – pay the extra fee for front gate or premium parking. Normal parking is $30. And after a long day of walking, it sucks to walk back to the car with tired kiddos. We paid for Front Gate Parking which was $65. We literally were parked right outside the front gate. When we were ready to leave, we were seconds away from the car. It’s so worth it in my opinion. While we don’t have little travelers, as a mom who traveled with toddlers, I know how much of a challenge it can be after a long day. Pay for the parking, it’s definitely worth it.

Disclaimer: The products featured within this post were purchased with my own money. All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased. Affiliate links can and may be posted throughout. Please visit my disclosures page for more info.