Have you ever had those days when you wake up and feel like an epiphany has completely taken over your body? The feeling overwhelms you and leaves you stunned and in awe. I swear, it seems like over the last month I have been going through this very thing several times a week. It delights me that I can go to bed in the evening and wake up the next morning with my head filled with thoughts that I simply can’t wait to get onto paper. This has been my routine lately and my mind is telling me to pay attention to the signs as they are what my heart is telling me my soul wants. In 2015, everything I did and everything I strived for had to do with self discovery, finding out who I am and what I want out of life. It was about growth, not only for myself but my family and about strength because we had to really rely on one another to ensure success or simply to just get by. This year, I want to take everything I learned from 2015 and incorporate it into my personal “Planner” so to say, that will enable success and ultimately, help me to achieve my life goals. Let’s face it, living life is an accomplishment already and last year was a challenge all its own.
So, what’s in store and what’s new for Honey? Well, first of all I really feel like over the years I lost my identity and who I truly am and last year after really accomplishing so much more than I thought I ever could personally, I realized that the little changes I made to my routine and myself created a monster. Not the scary, freaky and ugly kind, but the kind that really wasn’t satisfied with everything or anything. I should be tapping myself on the back, applauding my accomplishments and realizing that not only am a I strong, confident and beautiful woman but that I attained and superseded a plethora of goals I had and I didn’t even realize it.
“I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.” – Maya Angelou
This year 2016 my mind has been made up. My goal is to engage in my thoughts and bring them all to life. Like an artist takes to his canvas or a writer to paper, my plan is to really embrace who I am as a person and use that as my strengths, not my weaknesses. One of the things I plan to do is start with making changes to my blog – I know, I know, yet again. I realized a lot about myself last year and that is that I lost my sense of personal identity on my site. I found that I was producing content that lost my personal sense of style. I love doing product reviews and I really truly enjoy trying new products and new things – but I lost the embodiment of what Honeygirl’s World really is… My World, My Life – the things I love. My site turned into a plethora of beauty (which isn’t a bad thing), but while my reviews showcased my personality, I felt that I still lost a lot of who I really am. This year I plan to incorporate more of me into the site and retro back to what it used to be when I first starting blogging. My site will not only be for reviewing my favorite products, but sharing bits and pieces of who I am and what I love. I kind of feel like all of that got lost over the years and I plan to bring it all back. I started Honeygirl’s World as a way to document my life and that is where I plan to take it once again.
So what can you expect from me? Well, as if I wasn’t a blatantly honest soul – you can expect that much and more. I really want to hold myself accountable for all the things that I let slack over the years. My goal is to keep on top of YouTube, posting three or more videos a week – we’ll see how that turns out and just keep that portion of my life much more organized. I want to really keep on top of my blog – posting 5x or more a week, preferably more and work at keeping the content fresh and exciting but also weave in so much more of myself that you’ll feel like we are bff’s and know me on a personal level. I want to also check off things from my bucket list and in order to do that I must be more diligent and really make this “Stay at Home, Work From Home Mom” thing work. I want to make even more time for family… my family – my husband and children are my everything and so this year I plan to really be “Super Mom & Wife”.
“You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love…” – Jim Carrey
In a week, I’ll be turning 36 years old and I’ve reached that point in my life where I don’t think I’m even old… the 30’s are the new 20’s anyway. I’ve embraced my looks, my beauty and what I look like on the outside so now I just need to embrace my beauty on the inside and continue to feed my soul. Will you be on this journey with me? I hope you’ll stick around and see!
Wishing you all a wonderful 2016 and a year filled with endless blessings and happiness!