It’s Monday and time to start week 6 of our Distance Learning for the boys. Week 5 has ended, thank goodness – because it was a doozy. It seems like the days are flying by, which is unusual – considering that it also seems so long in comparison. Maybe it’s just me – maybe it’s the world. Some parts of the state are starting to reopen again but distance learning is still a new norm and will take till the end of the school year. Now that it’s May – that means there is about 3 weeks left (for the most part), till the boys are able to truly enjoy some time off.
What’s New – Any Challenges?
I think the boys are starting to get cabin fever. A few days ago they followed my Father In Law to take in the recyclables. There truly is no people interaction there, but they kept their masks on while unloading. It was the first time they actually left the house (other than walking in our neighborhood) and you could tell the twins enjoyed it. My eldest followed me to the store (of course, social distancing and protected) and it seemed to help him a bit.
The boys have been in the house for over 5 weeks and I could tell that they were going stir crazy. While we’ve given them all the tools to keep them busy while staying home, I know that they miss being outdoors and my little fish certainly miss the water. If the ocean or ponds are calling my name, I can only imagine how much it is affecting them.

We’re Thankful
While the boys are struggling with what seems to be their new norm and it shows… they are making the best of the situation. Who said distance learning was easy, right? But, I know that while the boys are having a difficult time, they are truly thankful to all of the people on the frontline – tackling Covid-19. They know that by staying home, we are keeping us safe, as well as the frontliners that are working so hard and diligently for all of us. It’s difficult to teach a little person the importance of social distancing, especially when we try to teach them to limit television and screen time. But, we’ve been able to do our best and I’m thankful for this opportunity that I have more time with these little bugs.
They Can’t Get Away From School
If there is one thing I’m starting to notice as we wrapped up Week 5 – it’s that the kiddos are getting frustrated with doing school work from home. I am realizing that they are having to give up their love of home life because it’s now their place of school as well. Homework is no longer an assignment or two like a normal school day, it now feels like an all-day affair. What was once a place they could use to escape from school is no longer. Their sanctuary from reading, writing, and math – is now the all in one.
I don’t think that it would be so bad if they were able to leave the house, go to the park, take part in sports or even go to the beach. But, since we are on lockdown – they spend all day and all night at home. If I’m struggling with it myself – I can only imagine how difficult it is for them. I try to set a schedule for them each day – so that we are done with school work and they have time to relax and play. But, if I’m honest – it’s that it is not really working and they are not only frustrated but definitely not happy with me.
Favorite Things from last week
We take solice each week in some new found things or something to help pass the time. Here are a few favorites that did just that:
- Operation – the board game – Yes, that is still a fun and exciting thing in 2020. We pulled the game out and had a blast. My 10-year-old twins thought the concept was hilarious. The game also helped to make the day go by faster a few times this past week. Who says childhood board games are lame? Certainly not me!
- Frozen Pizza – Cooking dinner each night is a normal thing usually in our house. But cooking diner along with breakfast and lunch every day of the week – WOWZERS! It’s a challenge to constantly think of what to make – with or without meal planning. I picked up a bunch of frozen pizza to throw in the freezer. Let’s just say – LIFESAVER! It works when our day is fruitful and no one wants to cook. Add some of your favorite toppings and you have a winner of a pizza dinner.
- Razor Electric Scooter and E-Punk Bikes – Walking is great exercise, but electric scooters and bikes are fun. The boys were blessed with an E-Punk Electric Bike from Razor (review coming soon). But, they also received an Electric Scooter gift from their Aunt. It has helped to make our outdoor time a little different and fun. The boys have been enjoying it and we can’t wait to tell you all about it later this week.
Off to the next Adventure
Well, that’s it for last week’s recap. We’re doing what we can to keep busy, keep inspired, and keep going. It’s been a struggle – but we make it work to the best of our ability. This past week has reminded me that sometimes we just need to regroup. Reminder: know that we are not in this alone. The boys are doing the best they can and I will continue to encourage them as much as possible. We can only look forward to our next adventure.
If you’re reading this – we hope that your Week 6 is off to a great start. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay home!