While staying active and getting much needed exercise can be a challenge for anyone, I find that the best way to incorporate it all into my daily life with my family is to do something fun that keeps us moving.  Walking is a great way for my family to stay active because we enjoy walking our neighborhood or going on nature hikes to find awesome flora and fauna or new bugs we can discuss and research when we get home.  We also love to part take in sports and swim but lately we have been enjoying a little jump rope fun in our lives.  The Limm Jump Rope is a recent addition to our active lifestyle and gives us the opportunity to not only get in some much needed cardio but also have a lot of fun with each other.

Having Fun and Staying Active With Limm Jump Rope

So – you may be saying… What’s so great about this jump rope versus any other?  Well, here’s the deal… this jump rope has a precise ball bearing system that ensure that the rope will turn smoothly and precisely while you are jumping.  It makes it easy to maneuver and use.  When you are working out or just having fun you definitely don’t want a rope that tangles every so many jumps and with the Limm Jump Rope – we never have that issue.  We can jump several rotations and we are usually the ones that stop the rope – not the rope that stops us from jumping due to tangling.  Another awesome thing we love about this rope is that it has an exclusive feature inside of the handles.  This plastic piece is engineered so that you can adjust the length of the rope using your hands and doing so safely without injuring yourself.  This is great for both my son and my husband and I as we are all different heights and can adjust the rope to fit our needs whenever we decide we want to use it.  The rubber of the rope is durable and strong and it makes a great tool for a heavy and intense workout.  This jump rope can hold up to the use and is perfect for us to use as a family or for our workouts.

Caught him mid air… Using the #LimmJumpRope. #exercise #jump #myboy

A photo posted by Honey Kaho’ohanohano (@honeygirlk) on

While a traditional workout is definitely suggested in any situation, sometimes we need something fun for my kids to take part in it. Like I mentioned previously – we love our walks because it allows us to not only get in some cardio, but also allows us to explore the World and our surroundings.  With an addition of a jump rope to that mix, the boys, my husband and I now have something else we can take part in that is not only fun, but offers a great deal of exercise and no matter how it’s done – you get a great workout.

This jump rope is light weight so if you are looking for something that is suitable for men, women and children – I think you’ll enjoy this one.  As I mentioned before, it doesn’t tangle easily or at all so continuous jumping is easy.   While I don’t consider this a toy – I do like to use this for my twins who are 5.  My husband and I or my eldest and I will hold each end of the rope and allow the boys to jump and it is fun for them as well.  Fun and exercise for the whole family!  Again, adjusting the height for the rope was EASY and we enjoy this product tremendously.

You also get a 100% guarantee from Limm.  Try the Limm Jump Rope for 60 days and if during that time you don’t love the comfort, quality and don’t feel it is worth every penny – they will provide you with a full refund – no questions asked.  Honestly though… I have used quite a bit of jump ropes in my time and I must say – this is a really nice one for the price.  Oh – did I even mention the cost?  It is $18.89 on their Amazon store site but currently on sale for less than $14.  Even at it’s full price – I still consider it a steal considering some of the others I have purchased from sports and fitness stores cost more and lacks the same quality.

Having Fun and Staying Active With Limm Jump Rope


Do you include jump roping into your exercise routine?  If not – is it something you would consider doing?  I believe it is fun and still offers a great workout so I surely suggest it.

Signature Honey

Disclaimer:  This product was sent to me for review/consideration.  All opinions and thoughts are my own and 100% honest and unbiased.  While I did receive the product for free, I was not paid or monetarily compensated to provide my thoughts on this product.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.

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