As a child growing up in Hawaii, you could find Aloe Vera plants everywhere and anywhere you could think of, including our backyard. My dad used it to treat our burns and sunburn during the summer and other medicinal uses, but I had never heard about drinking aloe water until a few years ago, maybe because I didn’t pay attention to it much or it wasn’t told to me directly. With my sons in full sports mode for summer (we are finishing up basketball season and going into football season in about a month), we always try to ensure that we keep all of our boys fully hydrated and ready to play in the hot summer sun. Today, I share with you my thoughts and my son Kevin’s on Detox Water, a Bioactive Aloe Water.
Detox Water is a mother inspired drink created by Founder Kenneth Park. In his childhood days Kenneth’s mother had experienced serious digestive issues and no medication worked in trying to heal her ailments. A doctor she seen suggested trying aloe. By adding aloe water to her diet, she not only resolved her stomach problems, but she improved her immune response to the on-going stomach pains. After realizing the plethora of benefits she experienced from ingesting aloe, Ken’s mother shared her smoothies with the rest of the family. Each morning with breakfast she would serve her delicious aloe-filled smoothies, blended with fruits and yogurt to neutralize the plant’s naturally bitter taste.
Detox Water is actually the re-launch of the business that Kenneth started in his dorm room at Babson College. In 2012, he created Superleaf Organic Aloe Juice and sold cases on campus, while juggling classwork and business. While it was quite successful – Superleaf drink was similar in variation to existing aloe drinks on the market – which did not deliver all the potential health benefits of truly bioactive aloe vera. After going back to the grind and working everything out, Detox Water became what it is today.
“Detox Water was born in the spirit of my mom and is testament to a strong commitment to health I believe in aloe vera’s healing properties because it healed me, prepared me for every day. I created Detox Water to share my experience with you, help you heal from the inside out.” – Kenneth Park (Founder, Detox Water)
Detox Water is available in three different delicious flavors – Original, Pinamint and Mangaloe. Each bottle contains 350mg of ACTIValoe aloe gel flakes with no less than 10% aloe polysaccarides by dry weight. I know it’s a lot of technical talk – but basically, that means it’s comparable to drinking a shot of the most extensitively researched and clinically-proven pure aloe juice. Each bottle is filled with electrolytes and vitamins to help replenish and restore your body with electrolytes, vitamin c and a full range of vitamin b’s. What also makes this so wonderful is that Detox Water is made without the use of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. The aloe water is able to provide healthy hydration from the best of what nature has to offer. Detox Water is just 15 calories per serving and is rejuvenating, refreshing aloe water paired with organic and natural flavors. It’s literally something that helps to make you feel great and not guilty.
My entire family has been loving Detox Water – so much so that we have already repurchased a case for us to share. Each case retails for $45.00 (12 bottles). My son Kevin however, has been loving Detox Water as a way to re-hydrate after his basketball games. Most of the gyms here in Hawaii are old and many of them do not have air circulation through out. After an extensive game my son’s shirts are drenched in sweat and he’s beyond exhausted. Drinking Detox Water that has been chilled is a great way to hydrate and really just give his body back the nutrients he lost while running about the court.
“Detox Water tastes GREAT! The Mangaloe is my favorite but all of the flavors taste really good. After one sip I feel hydrated and refreshed. I love to drink a few sips of this during half-time to get my energy back and give me the extra electrolytes my body needs to recover from an intense game. I have never tried aloe water before, but you can’t taste any bitter flavor at all. It’s delicious and I really enjoy it.” – Kevin
As a mother, I try to instill proper care of your body and health to all of my children. We are all busy bodies in our household and by teaching my sons at a young age that caring for your well-being is important, I’m hoping it will continue on with them as they become adults and well into their life. I also suffer from ailments of health and have found after drinking Detox Water, it has improved my issues with my stomach, my IBS and other problems I have been experiencing. I’m not a doctor, but I do notice that things have improved with my health, and of course – my son noticed immediately after drinking his first Detox Water how his body felt rejuvenated.
I received Detox Water over a month ago and my family and I have really tested the products for a long period of time to see it’s benefits. I’m beyond impressed and as I stated before, we have already placed an order for replenishing our water. I have never tried anything like it before and I didn’t think it would taste as good as it did.
If you are interested in trying Detox Water for yourself and getting you a case – you can do so by checking out their website. You can opt to do a single purchase of a Detox Water case or sign up for their Delivery Subscription and get 20% off your orders. I haven’t found anywhere local that sells this water as of yet, so we have to order our case online. However, it’s worth it if you are looking for Immunity boosts and other benefits like skin health & anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory and heart health help. I have been really liking how it has helped my stomach, my blood pressure and my immune system.
Purchase your Detox Water at:
Are you looking to add a little extra hydration to your summer? Have you heard of Aloe water before?
Disclaimer: My family and I were sent these products for review consideration. All opinions are my own, 100% honest and unbiased and we were not paid to provide our thoughts. Affiliate links are posted through out.
This sounds absolutely wonderful! I will have to try some!
I think you’ll like it.
How cool, I’ve never head of aloe water! Growing up, we had an aloe plant in our house, and my dad always used it for our cuts and burns too (and we lived in NJ) so funny that yours did too. Of course, ours was potted and inside, so not as cool as having them naturally grow around us lol
Ours is in a pot in our yard… because it’s easier to manage and grow… and the one my parents had was int he pot too… but in the yard. But you can find it in many yards growing wild and so many people don’t even know what it is. It’s such a big deal here, so I like that I can just walk outside and pick some… especially since summer is here now… with bbq and grill days and playing in the sun… even with SPF, my sons, husband and I burn. lol
Sounds great for sports players especially.
definitely 🙂
I’ve never heard of aloe water – how interesting. Especially for those who playe sports!
yes, deifnitely 🙂
Hmmm, my cousin is an economics professor at Babson College so I wonder if he had Kenneth Park in any of his finance classes. I’ll ask him when he gets back from sabbatical in Australia. I have IBS and I had diverticulitis this year, so your post definitely got my attention. Since this was invented in Boston, hopefully I’ll find some for sale around here. I definitely want to give it a try. I’m currently trying not to kill the baby aloe plant I got a few months ago.
I also have IBS and Diverticulitis… and have noticed after drinking one, my stomach seemed much more settled… I would totally try it. You can order online, but only by the case. I’m going to do a lot more research and see if I can find something local – because they only ship certain places, and I really had to work on getting more. I can’t wait to hear about it from you.
I’m hoping I can find it around here. I wouldn’t buy a case without trying it first, plus it irks me to pay to ship water. Hopefully I’ll track it down since he launched it around here
I drink aloe but it’s a different brand. It’s so refreshing esp during hot and humid days
which one do you drink? I have been looking for a good tasting one that I can get while I wait for our orders to come in.
Alo is the name. I like the original flavor and watermelon +peach
thanks sis – I’m gonna check it out. 🙂
I have to start drinking aloe water – apparently it has excellent benefits for acne-prone skin.
Yes, I have been reading that as well.
I’ve never drank aloe, but I grew up with a grandma who used it for every ailment and had plants everywhere so I do know it’s quite a useful plant.
Yes it is – definitely a great plant to have on hand 🙂
My son has been loving drinks with aloe lately and it definitely seems to help keep him hydrated and doing well with the heat we’re having
I’m a big fan of aloe for my skin but I didn’t realize it was so good overall for health! I’m going to try this when I have a tummy problem!