Well, I wasn’t going to do all of these Gift Guides and not have one for children.  My boys would be pretty disappointed in me if I had forgotten about them. lol  There are so many gifts you can buy for your kids and while there are some really easy ones to find, sometimes shopping for your favorite little person can be a challenge.  My gift guide is mainly focused around boys – since, let’s face it, I have boys – but I also included some fun gifts that would make great additions to any little ones list.  Without further adieu, here’s my list of cool presents for kids.

Holiday Gift Guide - Cool Presents For Kids

The first thing on the boys lists of presents is almost always… Legos.  While we certainly all enjoy legos in our household, my feet don’t quite like them – for obvious reasons.  But now a days, you can find lego designs on everything from shirts and pajamas to video games and movies.  It’s a tried and true brand and one that my family  loves and enjoys.  Lego provides my sons (even my husband and I) a way for a creative outlet without the mess of paint or scissors and while the little pieces are a bit too much for the young ones, they make great gifts for kids to help build their fine motor skills, thinking and problem solving.

My boys have well over 20000 pieces I’m sure because we try to buy at least one Lego set a holiday or birthday for each child. But, if Legos are not the right gift for your little one – Lego also offers a free subscription to the Lego magazine and Mega Blocks make a great alternative for toddlers.  Each of my sons had Mega Blocks as a part of their building and growing and when they were old enough – I transitioned them to Legos.

Another favorite in our house are videos games.  My children only get a few video games a year because they don’t play them often, but each year we definitely get our hands on fun family games like Just Dance 2016.  It allows us to not only have some fun as a family, but get in some great cardio too.  A new game I’ve had my sights on this year is Back To The Future The Game.  I’m a huge Back to the Future fan as are the kids (the whole family), so it would make a fun family game for all of us.  There are other games we enjoy to play and Wits and Wagers is such a fun one for the whole family, though my eldest enjoys it because it has so many great trivia questions.  Besides, WE LOVE board games.

Books, Books and more books. We have a huge library in our tiny house filled with fun books for the boys and for the adults. Any type of book from Cat in the Hat and Dr. Seuss to Ramona and Beezus make great additions to any library.  I-Spy books are also a fun one to read together and I love buying books from my childhood for the boys like The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, To Kill a Mockingbird or Maniac Magee which are three of my childhood favorites.

Dr. Cool Kits are some of my absolute favorites and the boys love them too. These awesome kits have digs that are a learning experience and are truly fun for the whole family.  Some of our favorites are the Real Bug Dig Kit and the Ultimate Geode Science Kit.  All of the kits available from Dr. Cool are very interactive, a great learning experience and would make fantastic gifts.

Another Gift idea that tends to be overlooked are crayons and coloring books – craft projects in general.  These dandy little gifts make great things for travel or keeping your little people active and occupied.  I carry a small box of crayons in my purse most of the time so that the boys can always color one of the many coloring books we have spread out at home or in the car or they can color in a book or planner I have in my bag.  Never underestimate the power of a bunch of colored wax utensils for this reason.  Coloring books are fun for teenagers too.  My eldest colors in my “adult coloring books” and he enjoys them.  Coloring is great for hand and eye coordination but also makes for a wonderful gift for anyone of all ages.

Buying gifts for children can be a challenge sometimes – especially if you don’t know much about a child and you’re shopping without any idea as to what they would like.  I find that pulling for staple gifts such as some of these I have listed, I have a pretty sure bet that they will enjoy their present.  Everything I buy for children tends to have some form of learning in it – even if they have no idea that it does and it makes gift giving fun knowing I’m buying something that the child or children will benefit from.   If you’re shopping for a girl – please don’t rule out some of these gifts as many of these can be universal for all children and when it comes to Legos, well – the brand makes sets that are geared towards girls as well.

Happy Shopping for those little ones in your life, I hope you have lots of fun and this list helped to bring you a little peace of mind.

Signature Honey


Disclaimer:  All products mentioned in this post were either purchased by me with my own money, or sent for editorial consideration.  All opinions are my own, 100% honest and unbiased and I was not paid to provide my thoughts on these products.  Affiliate links posted through out.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


  1. I remember when my younger brother and I were kids we would spend hours playing with his toddler legos, building a zoo for his little animals. My girls have some sets of their own too. 🙂 And they love coloring. I feel like they keep coming out with more new in addition to what we grew up with. Its wonderful. 😀 The geode set sounds cool; want to check it out. Thanks for sharing! <3

    • The Geode kit or any from Dr. Cool are awesome additions to any family. I buy one at least once a year. Yes, I agree – Legos have so many options and are so fun for the whole family too. Thanks for reading 😉

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