Ipsy has definitely been an awesome subscription this past year.  I have been subscribed to Ipsy now for a year and while there are some months where I am a little unhappy with some of the products, each bag definitely has been well worth the cost.  For just $10.00 a month – you get to try out products from a wide variety – both high end as well as drug store products.  You get 4-5 products, some of which are full sized and some deluxe samples and you get a cute makeup bag to accompany the products.  Is it worth it?  Why don’t see what I think about it in the Video embedded below as well as my price break down.  021 copy

Product Price Break down:

I received at least 3 Full Sized products in my Glam Bag this month – I’m still uncertain if the Be A Bombshell lip crayon is full sized.  Total in full sized products equals $42.00 in retail value.  Everything else is just a bonus honestly.  Ipsy is definitely worth the monthly cost.  Check out my reveal video as well as first impressions and swatches for some of the items below.

{I do receive points which I can use towards product freebies on their site if you click on my link and subscribe to Ipsy.  I do not receive any monetary payment for you signing up.  I pay for my Ipsy glam bags each month out of my own pocket – this is not a sponsored review or post.}


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.

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