About a month ago I received the Perlier Volcanic Thermal Spa ($25.00, 6.7 fl oz) by cashing in my ifabbo coins.  When it comes to skin care products or scrubs, I tend to be a little hesitant to try the products because of my very sensitive eczema skin, but I was still a bit excited to test out the product since Volcanic type products are popular here in Hawaii.

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This product is said to be a true beauty treatment for the skin having extracted micronutrients from volcanic rocks that are essential and vital to the cells in the skin.  I was excited but still a little worried at how my skin would react.  Even more so, I was worried that a friend of mine who had tried the same product did not like the results she received after using it on her face… it was just too much for her skin to handle.  After finding this out – I decided that I would test it out on a small area on my jar line.  My face did not like the product at all and in fact, it was just to abrasive for my skin on my face.  I decided that I would try to test out on areas on my body that I knew were a little drier and not as sensitive as my face was.

I tested the product on my elbows and on my heels of my feet.  It worked well… exfoliating those parts of my body without out being too abrasive for them.  It left those areas fairly moisturized and removed dead skin which worked perfectly.  I will not use this on my face, but it still has a use for me.  Being from Hawaii, I expected something with “Volcanic Rocks” to have a more natural scent to it – but it actually smells like a strong lotion.  It’s not completely off putting, but it is stronger than what I had thought I would be smelling.  My formal opinion would be that you test this product somewhere on your body that is a little tougher than your facial area especially if you have sensitive skin as I do.  But, all in all – it exfoliates well, especially for my feet.

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Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.

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