If you have been keeping tabs on me over the last couple of weeks, you’ll know that it has been such a trying time on myself and my family – having lost a few loved ones, dealing with sickness and planning for other things. I’m not going to lie, I think the word “Challenge” is short of what has happened this past month. But nonetheless, I know that things happen and while we don’t plan to deal with it, sometimes we just have to take it all in stride. Here’s what I say to it all… remember to love your family and be thankful that they are in your life. Know that with any downfall, there is always something wonderful right behind that.
So – on a positive note… everyone in my immediate family seems to have gotten over their colds. Yippee! I took the twins in to get their flu shots since they have been sick off an on pretty frequently since the new year started. I know there are many out there that do not agree with shots, but it’s always worked for my family – no side effects in sight and I will continue to give it to them until I feel otherwise. I’m glad they finally got it… along with their annual shots with their physical they received last week. There was a measles outbreak on the other island next to us, so I didn’t want to take any chances.
In a few short weeks my eldest starts Basketball Season. He’s so excited. He didn’t play last year and really missed it. He is really good at the game and I know he’s looking forward to playing with his new and old teammates. I’m excited too because while he’s practicing it will give me the opportunity to take the twins to the park and get some walking in. I’m always on my journey to losing more weight – so it’s always a great thing to find extra opportunities to get some cardio in my day.
So – my quick update was just to fill everyone in on what is going on. At the end of the day, no matter all the difficulty and troubles… sometimes we have to stop and remember to smell the roses! Through all of our trials and challenges, we can all often forget all the little things that make us smile – like getting over colds, an upcoming Sport season, working out or just enjoying life with your family. Wishing you all a wonderful rest of your week.