There is absolutely no hiding it, I am an android lover. It has been said in various posts and videos in the past that as much as many have tried to get me to convert, I just can’t do it and am a huge fan of the Android base system and what it has to offer. As if that was not enough, after owning the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 previously, I just couldn’t see converting to iPhone either… Recently, I upgraded my phone to the Note 4, and it is my technological best friend.
Being in a technology world, it comes as no surprise that I use many of my phone and computer features as a part of my daily routine and overall work base. I whole-heartily believe that you must “disengage” yourself from technology often, but I also run my entire world through my phone and sync it directly with my paper planner so my lifeline for certain things can be found here. It’s ingenious if you think about it, years ago when I was still carrying around my funky button phone, there was no such thing as an app and now – there are a plethora of them available at the touch of a screen.
So what apps are important to me. Be sure to check out the video below where I walk you through each aspect of what is on my phone. Click here to watch directly on YouTube. It’s a long one, so grab a cup of joe and enjoy. Not into long videos? Well, do not worry – I sum it all up for you below.
Blog, Productivity and Tasks apps:
- WordPress – I blog through WordPress.Org and use this app to write up drafts for my site as well as manage images, etc. A handy app for blogging on the go.
- Trello – One of my favorite apps for organizing anything. This is a free app that you can use to organize a schedule, project, or anything you can think of and share with others so they can add and remove from your task list. I use this for project planning and for party planning and I love how easy of an interface it is. Interested in checking it out? Click here.
- Evernote – Similar to Trello but different, if that makes any sense. Evernote is what I use on the go when I can’t access WordPress. It allows me to type out notes or a full letter or post if I want and save for a later date. I save images, task lists – anything you can think of and can sync via my phone, tablet and desk top as with Trello.
- Wunderlist – Yes, I may be in a task list overload… but this app is my go to for grocery lists and even listing ideas for posts and videos. I love that I can break it down easily in it’s own little folders, sub folders, etc. and check them off once I’m done. It’s simple and again, works through my desk top and my phone/tablet allowing me to be able to access on the go. This has been my go-to shopping buddy.
- Scanbot – I use this to scan all of my documents into PDF form, includes receipts too and saves to the drives I request.
- DocuSign – I use this app to sign documents easily using my built in S-Pen. You can then email to the recipient or save.
Favorite Dining, Review, Travel and Realty Apps:
- Open Table – My absolute favorite app for booking reservations. I use this app for looking up reviews as well.
- Urban Spoon – Another cool app for looking up reviews and menus on restaurants. I have been using Urban Spoon for years and have utilized it not only in my home state but many places across the US. It is a life saver when in a pinch and you have no idea what or where to eat.
- Uber – A fun taxi app. I haven’t used it yet since I haven’t been traveling lately, but I will soon.
- Yelp – I use Yelp often and if I’m not featuring a restaurant or establishment here on my blog, you know you can find my review on Yelp.
- Yellow Pages / Yellow Book – Who needs to pay for 411? I love that the Yellow Pages app is easy to use and quick. Find anything you need from pizza to a hotel or a pair of socks at your finger tips.
- Kayak – Have you seen the commercials? This app makes booking travel very easy.
- TripAdvisor – Look up reviews of your favorite destination resorts, etc. and find the cheapest rate for travel
- Expedia – A long time favorite… I will always use this for discounts on airfare, travel, etc.
- Zillow – An easy interface for looking for houses in the area you want to purchase.
- Realtor.com – Find your dream house with this easy to use app.
- Trulia – one of my favorite realty apps besides Zillow – this app will allow you to see what is available for purchase in the Realty market. Since my hubs and I are always on the hunt to buy our dream home, Realty apps make it simple.
Shopping Apps:
Everything from Amazon to Etsy and don’t forget Sephora. I have shopping apps at the click of the wrist.

Of course, Social Media is an important part of blogging but in general my way to stay in communication. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram are some of my daily used apps.

Everything from Credit Score apps to PayPal, I find that balancing your Finances or just looking them up is a great way to stay on top of your task at hand. Looking for an App to help manage your finances and get you prepared for Tax Season, Mint is a great one. Oh – and Credit Karma really is free! After paying a ton a month for another Credit Score company, I’m so glad I finally found Credit Karma.

Everything from recipes to menu planning, if you follow me on Instagram or here on the blog, you will know that I am a major foodie. While creating my dishes from scratch is what I strive for, I love trying new recipes that I can find in some of these applications available. Yummly and Food Network In the Kitchen are some of my favorite recipe apps.

Tracking my water intake daily, my period and my work outs are all easy thanks to some fun and easy to use apps that I have found available. S Health is my favorite and came standard with my phone. It tracks where I go via GPS, how long of a walk or run I have done and even plays music for you. A great app for those looking to get healthy or stay healthy. Interested in joining a community where others encourage you? I think MyFitnessPal is a great one. Looking to track your woman cycle or all the monthly stuff? Check out MyDays.

I’m not gonna lie, I’m addicted to these Games listed here… don’t judge! hahahaha! I want to know your favorite games, comment below and tell me! FarmVille 2, Trivia Crack & Word Crack have been a few that I have been addicted to lately.

Music feeds my soul and if you have been here on my blog a while, you would know this. Each application has its purpose and I enjoy each one. However, Pandora, Spotify and iHeartRadio are surely some of my favorites.

I’m always downloading and checking out new Photo and Video apps to try. However, a few of my favorites that I use consistently are: Magisto, Flipagram, PicsArt, Afterlight, Moldiv and Aviary.

I hope you enjoyed this break down of the things I have on my phone. I love my phone – it’s versatile, does what I need it to do and works for my lifestyle so the apps I download must be able to do the same. Don’t forget to check out my video (click here) to get a walk through of everything available on my phone. What applications do you find are necessarily to keep you on task? What are your favorite things on your phone at the moment? Comment below and let me know what apps you love.
I need a nail polish/cosmetics app! HAHA
bwhahahahaha – that is a great one – I need that too 😀
Evernote is a must have for me! I have a terrible memory and always need to write things down, so it’s perfect because it auto syncs to my computer as well 🙂
I love it!! I have a Samsung Galaxy 5 and I absolutely adore it! <3
I wish you could come and give my signif other a lesson on the Android he’s had now for 3 yrs. He’s still struggling with it, lol
I’m an iPhone girl but I really did enjoy this review! It’s good in case I ever do make the jump!
Awesome post – so thorough. I especially liked reading about your productivity apps. I use a ton, too!
I am a ‘Droid girl, too. I just can’t with the whole Apple/IOS thing. I know that a lot of people love it but I it’s not for me. I’m ready to upgrade from my beloved Samsung GS4 and I’m going back and forth between the GS6 or Edge and a Note 4. I need to go in and play with both and make up my mind, once and for all. lol
We have a lot of the same apps even though I have an iphone!
Girl, you got a lot of apps! I think I only have maybe 3 pages of them?
Everyone in my family has iPhones so that’s what I have. I’m technologically uninclined so I always need help.
I have an old iPhone, and it doesn’t nearly have the memory to load all those apps. Wow!
wow too many apps! I have iPhone6+, I will download some of these programs
You are so organised! I keep downloading apps and then forget their existence forevermore (‘Droid girl here – Xperia).
Your phone is so much more organized than mine!
I use Andriod too but I do need an upgrade (my battery lifespan is about zero…) I’ll have to check out some of these apps- I need more organization!
My phone is so unorganized!
I need you to come and organize my phone! hahaha
My phone is a mess!