


Dogs are some of the best things in the world. They can also bring some serious frustration when not properly trained. In a very quick amount of time, they can become a lot of work. Instead of allowing that scenario to play out, be proactive and find solutions in advance to protect your pet from unwanted confusion and protect your carpet and belongings from unwanted destruction. With consistent training, a lot of love, and attention, your dog will be a part of the family in no time.

Crate Training is Beneficial for Everyone in the Family

Unfortunately, there are some negative connotations associated with crate training. Some people continue to believe and espouse what they think about crate training in negative terms only. In fact, crate training is a universally beneficial practice for everyone involved.

  1. First, it provides a place for your new puppy or dog when you are out of the home for potty or crate training. Check out this page to learn more about the process. The most important thing to understand is that dogs usually do not eliminate in the space they are currently sitting in, which is why a comfortable crate is a great place to start.
  1. Your dog will inevitably need to be transported, whether it is to the veterinarian for routine or emergency visits, to the groomer, or on a trip, and you want them to already be comfortable in their crate or kennel. This way, they will feel more at ease in a space they already know and that has a familiar scent. This is especially true if your dog will be transported in their kennel on a plane trip.
  1. Crates and kennels provide comfort during stressful times at home. If you have friends or family members with small children who are not familiar with the proper way to interact with a dog, sometimes it will be in your dog’s best interest to give them some quiet time away from the loudness occurring in the rest of the house. If your dog is already accustomed to going into the kennel, it will be a place of respite for them at that time.
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Prioritize Exercise to Keep Boredom and Bad Behavior at Bay

Everyone needs exercise, especially your dog. This is important to remember. Take note, if your dog does not have enough stimulation (read: exercise), they begin to look for other outlets for their energy. This may include chewing up your favorite shoes, the couch, or even the bottom of a door in an attempt to get some fresh air. If you do not bring the activity to them, they will find it themselves.

To keep destructive behavior at bay, work out a schedule for when the dog needs to be walked each day, for what length of time, and by whom. Ensure success by having a calendar that is easily accessible for everyone involved in your dog’s care. Place the leash, harness (if used), training treats and bag, and poop bags by the door so all needed items are readily available. If you are going on a long walk or the temperature is high, make sure you bring a water bottle with enough water for both of you and a portable bowl for your dog.

Your dog should receive at least 30 minutes of walking time per day. Be sure to discuss the proper amount for your dog with your veterinarian as exercise recommendations will vary by breed, size, and age. The bonus to this arrangement is that you and your family members will benefit from the exercise and fresh air, too. 

Ideally, your dog’s walks will take place in the morning after a long night of good rest. If you can, try to get up early and go for a brisk walk or a run with your dog. Helping release their energy before you go to work and leaving them alone for the day will reduce their anxiety and help them sleep while you are out instead of resorting to unwanted activities.

Address Unwanted Behaviors as They Arise

Regardless of the age of your new dog or where it comes from, unwanted behaviors can and do pop up from time to time. Raising and training a dog is sometimes similar to certain parts of raising a child. They test their limits and can become agitated or stressed in unfamiliar situations.  

If these things happen, it is important for everyone’s safety, sanity, and continued happiness to address them right away. If you allow destructive or potentially harmful behaviors to continue unabated, they may become ingrained and more difficult to work through later. Instead, take a deep breath and dive right in. Get help from a local dog trainer. There are a variety of in-person classes available that will help with socialization, calmly walking on a leash, and any other behavior needs that may need attention.

Throughout the training process, if you begin to feel stressed, take a step back. Remaining calm and relaxed is important for you and your dog. Anxious feelings will not serve either of you as your dog will feed off your stress. When you can be calm and collected, they feel that control coming from you. This will help aid in their ability to be calm, too.

Watch this video for an instructive guide on how to stop unwanted barking when your dog hears a sound at the door or you receive visitors.

Do not let any anxious notions infiltrate your plans for adopting a new furry family member. While you will need to put in some time towards training your dog at the outset of your relationship, it will pay off in dividends over the years. You will be able to live a more relaxed and less stressful lifestyle once you have a well-trained canine in your home. With continued attention, exercise, care, and love they will truly be your loyal best friend. And who knows? You may enjoy your dog so much that you decide to adopt another one!

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post. All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased. Affiliate links are posted throughout. Feel free to read my Disclaimer Page for details and information on sponsored posts, affiliate links, and more.



Holiday gift giving is always so much fun for everyone in the family, but we must not leave out our furry friends, especially since they are a huge part of our family.  Each year Ikaika, our King Charles Cavalier Spaniel gets a handful of yummies and some warm clothes to celebrate the year and the Christmas season with us and this year was no exception.  It’s always fun to see our Ikaika’s face light up when he sees new treats and especially cute when you say the words “treat” or “snack” because he knows exactly what to expect.  It’s always great to see other pet owners shopping for their furry friends this time of year and I’m happy to see my dog and other pets get spoiled.

Holiday Gift Haul For Our King Charles Cavalier Spaniel

I have been told about this super cute website called from Big Heart Brands (the makers of Milk-Bone, Pup-Peroni, Canine Carry Outs, and Milo’s Kitchen).  This fun site really knows how to get you celebrating with your favorite pup during the holidays and year round.  On you can check out some fun doggy do-it-yourself ideas that they’ve dreamed up:  There are a variety of fun things to do and ideas that you can do with your pet and it would be a sure hit all year round.  Homemade paw-print ornaments (I thought that was a fun one since I have done these with my children before), a treat bouquet and a howliday treat bag.  I know any dog would absolutely enjoy these fun crafty and nifty goods you present to them, Ikaika surely enjoyed them for the holiday.

Holiday Gift Haul For Our King Charles Cavalier Spaniel

Some cool info: The also asked 3,000 Americans about their dog-related holiday habits, including whether their dog is involved in gift-giving, stocking-stuffing, Christmas sweater-wearing, and other holiday traditions.  What they found is that Americans really LOVE their pets, of course!  Did you know 71% of dog parents give gifts to their pups?

According to the survey, here are the top 5 reasons people give gifts to their dog:

  1. To express love to my dog:  72%
  2. Because it’s fun for me:  60%
  3. To help my dog feel included like a family member:  54%
  4. To give my dog a moment of happiness:  53%
  5. To feel closer and bond with my dog:  43%

In our family, we love to give presents to Ikaika because of all of those reasons.  He is a very important part of our family and the holidays or any day would not be the same without him.  He is our second fur baby for our family and having lost our first doggie a few years ago just five days before Christmas was hard for us.  Our animals are a part of our family!

The study also shared how often dogs are included into popular Christmas traditions:

  1. 48% of dog parents hang a Christmas stocking for their dog.
  2. 43% of dog parents include a dog in a photo for a family holiday card.
  3. 32% post photos of their dog on social media with a holiday message.
  4. 29% dress up their dog in a holiday-themed costume or outfit.
  5. 22% make or buy dog-themed holiday decorations.

For photos and instructions on how to add more dog-related fun to your home holiday traditions, check out these cool projects they have here:

Finally, want to know which states have the most spoiled pups?  The 2015 Santa Dog Index ranks states based on how much, on average, dog parents will spend on their furry kids:

Top 10 States That Spend the Most on Holiday Gifts for Dogs:

  1. New Jersey: $29.61 (average gift spending per dog for state residents)
  2. New York: $28.95
  3. Pennsylvania: $28.75
  4. Utah: $27.75
  5. Georgia: $27.04
  6. California: $26.07
  7. Washington: $25.81
  8. Florida: $25.13
  9. Illinois: $24.98
  10. Virginia: $24.58

Apparently, it’s good to be a dog in the New York tri-state area.  You can find the complete rankings of all 50 states at  There is so much great information, fun facts and great crafts available at and its a site definitely worth checking out.  If you have pets and are looking for something fun and interesting to give to your pet or a gift for someone else, this site will provide you with a plethora of information worth looking at.


Signature Honey


Disclaimer:  The products mentioned/featured in this post were sent to me for consideration.  All thoughts and opinions are my own, 100% honest and unbiased and I was not paid to provide my thoughts or feature the products at all.  Affiliate links are posted through out.


We are HUGE animal lovers in our house and have recently added a new addition to our family.  His name is Ikaika.  While puppies are cute and friendly and love-able, they also sport major dog breath.

I was recently asked to review this product and have absolutely enjoyed it.  Check out my review on Orapup.  The link to get a discount is in the description bar of my YouTube video – so click “to watch on YouTube” so you can take advantage of that awesome discount for this awesome product.
Your puppy or doggy will love it and you will too!