We are almost done with Week 3 of this Stay-at-home order in Hawaii, due to the Covid-19 Global pandemic outbreak. Schools have been closed and homeschooling has become the new norm. To keep up with my “Confessions” posts here on the blog, I figured I would share a series detailing my confessions of homeschooling during the covid-19 stay at home order. For those of you parents that are teaching your children from home, I’m here for you and I’m with you.

Teachers – We do not give you enough credit!

I’d be lying if I said that this was easy. I have always been so proud and thankful of teachers who have not only taught me but my children, but my gosh – am I so grateful for them, more so now. Distance learning has been a challenge for everyone and I feel like I’m not only going back to school (because I have to relearn this stuff all over again) but also teaching it and it’s a struggle. Teachers truly do deserve so much more credit than we give them. I’ve been tackling day to day duties on the home front and spending about 4-6 hours a day teaching the twins from home and to say it is a challenge, is an understatement.

For kids who have interactive classes online, they sometimes face connectivity challenges.  It has made us all realize what a powerful tool the internet is.  Having great WiFi in urban areas as well as exploring rural internet options is a must these days.

What is this Common Core witchery?

I’ve complained before about common core math, but man, can someone just give me a 1+1=2 question without needing to do 15 different steps to come up with the same answer? I know that common core is a great way for the kids to come up with their answers easily, utilizing different ways to solve a problem… but the fact that it is so different from how I was taught math in the 80s and 90s – well, it makes teaching (and learning) a struggle. Thank you, YouTube for having so many resources available to learn these techniques so I can teach my children. And, thank you to the teachers who post these videos online so we can continue to teach them to our kiddos.

School Support is so important!

Yesterday I went to the boys’ school for a drive up and pick up to grab some paper packets and one of their Chrome books. We are lucky that our household has computers and tablets for them to do their work, but it is helpful to have an additional computer since we have 3 boys working from home. Our eldest has been doing distance learning with his teachers via web apps like Zoom and Google Classroom and the twins have had assistance from their teachers via ClassDojo and Zoom as well. Thank goodness for these applications and to the teachers that have been making resources available to them. Without this, it would be very difficult to keep the boys up to date with their learning.

Overall – How is homeschooling going?

I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a challenge. Kevin Ka’eo – who is in 10th grade has been keeping up with studies since his school has his teachers online during their normal hours. I keep the twins on a daily schedule with little wiggle room, but I try to keep them with structure so they do not get too relaxed and then not want to work. I’m thankful for the resources available to keep them learning and overall – I think they are doing okay.

I didn’t realize how much of a challenge homeschooling would be, but considering the circumstances, I think we are doing okay. Last week, I wanted to pull my hair out and this week, I think I’m able to maneuver through lesson plans a little easier. On a positive note, the boys and I have been reading Manic Magee by Jerry Spinelli. I originally read this book when I was in the 4th grade so I thought it was a great book to read with the twins.

Hope you are all staying safe and helping to flatten the curve during this pandemic. It’s definitely a challenge to keep our kids active, occupied and learning – but together we can do it and keep each other inspired.

Disclaimer: This post has been recently updated (04.15.23) to include various  collaborative links. All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased. Affiliate links are posted throughout. Feel free to read my Disclaimer Page for details and information on sponsored post, affiliate links and more.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.

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