I can’t believe we are midway through week 4 since distance learning has become the new norm. The boys are feeling the pressure as the sanctuary they call home has now turned into a school environment. I know it’s taking its toll on them mentally, but they have been troopers so far. While I know that homeschooling the boys for the next month will go by quickly, I also know that everyone wants to leave the house. All three boys have been indoors (or walking around the neighborhood) now for 3+ weeks so they are missing the beach and the parks for sure. It’s been a challenge with such a huge change in their daily routine, but we’re working through it the best we can.
“Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix.”
Christina Baldwin
What have we learned this week?
Our days have been focused on reading comprehension as well as working on fractions. Common core has been a challenge, but we are slowing working our way through the program. Some of the apps and websites we have been using include: Reading Plus, Zearn & Prodigy.
We are still currently reading Manic Magee by Jerry Spinelli and haven’t really watched any new movies lately, or at least the boys haven’t. We have done some polymer clay pieces (they will need to be painted) and hope to get some paintings or artwork done this week using oil pastels.

Daily Walk Observation
Our goal is to get at least a mile walk in a few times a week. We are a bit limited to the same scenery each time we go for our walks since we are only about to walk around the neighborhood. But, we’ve been taking the time to photograph different plants and creatures and do research on the item. This week we noticed many beautiful springtime flowers and took a picture of the following flower.

The Duranta erecta is a species of flowering shrub in the verbena family Verbenaceae. It is a native plant from Mexico to South America and the Caribbean. This plant is usually cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical gardens throughout the world. It is considered to be an invasive species in Australia, China, South Africa, and several Pacific Islands. Common names for this shrub include golden dewdrop, pigeon berry, and skyflower. We found this shrub lining the gate of a neighbors yard and noticed its beautiful purple flowers. It reminded us of an orchid plant because of the way it fell over the fence line.
Listen to this week’s Podcast Episode
Feeding a Household of 5, 3 meals a day!
I completely appreciate the workers who take care of kids’ meals each day while in school. Feeding my three growing sons has been a challenge. I feel like I’ve been on a never-ending rotation of cooking and cleaning. They are always hungry and I think I’ve taken it for granted that they’ve been eating breakfast and lunch in school all these years. Luckily there are resources for the boys to get breakfast and lunch at several schools throughout the island, but I try to leave those options for those who really do need it. Until then, I’ll be making the boys their meal options. This has given me an opportunity to make things for them that my Grandma Young used to make for us when we were kids. Homemade Cinnamon Toast anyone?
Do you need a hug today?
Here’s a virtual hug for all of you. I know that it’s a challenge, taking on new roles in our daily lives. Some of us work from home already, but having to actually teach our kids from home is a full-time job. In case you need a hug today – here it is! Wishing you all are staying healthy and getting through it all one day at a time. Together we can do it!