Each year in the Fall, my family and I have journeyed up to the local Pumpkin Patch at the Kula Country Farms to choose out the perfect pumpkin for carving.  This year was no exception and the family enjoyed their time there as we always do so we wanted to share with you the fun and excitement.  The Kula Country Farms located on the slopes of beautiful Haleakala on the island of Maui turns it’s grounds into a fun Pumpkin Patch and Fall Extravaganza with corn mazes, garden games and fun for the entire family.  For the last 4 years my family and I have ventured on over to the patch to spend a few hours enjoying the animals, buying fresh Maui grown produce and of course – picking our own pumpkins.  Today I share with you one of our Family Adventures.

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - Kahoohanohano Family Adventures

Let’s face it – living on Maui has its perks and benefits because frankly, we are living in Paradise.  But, it can often mean that we are left without the resources that other towns can offer.  So when the Kula Country Farms started the annual pumpkin patch a few years back, my family and I have taken part in it each year.  There have been many changes and improvements to the patch this year, including a new parking lots that allows for easier parking for families so that they are not limited to parking on a very busy street.

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - Kahoohanohano Family Adventures

The pumpkin selections are far and wide in between, giving you the choice to choose a really large pumpkin or something small for coloring and painting.  Prices of the pumpkins range from $5 – $20 depending on the size and my family tends to pick up a pumpkin for each of us to carve or decorate as we see fit.  The location is HUGE – offering a wide variety of activities for your family from picking your own pumpkin to taking part in the corn maze and everything in between.  The boys look forward to swinging on the tire swings (while you can see this up year round) and taking part in any fun age appropriate activities for kids.

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - K Family Adventures

The boys absolutely love seeing the chickens that roam the grounds freely and the ponies / miniature horses that they can pet and feed.  There is also a huge bunny that has been there for years for the children to befriend.  This year we decided that we would take the time to not only choose our perfect pumpkin, but also spend some time checking out the vendors that were stationed up at the farm.  There was a kettle corn vendor that made the kettle corn fresh while we were there (you could smell the chocolate through out the farm) and different food vendors that sold plate lunches and snacks through out.

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - Kahoohanohano Family Adventures

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - Kahoohanohano Family Adventures

The farm was pretty busy on the Saturday we chose to visit.  Cars were parked up and down the street and since I now have a small car, we were able to find a parking spot along the road side.  There were children everywhere, examining all of the fun activities and my boys absolutely enjoyed their time there.  If you are planning to visit the farm in time for Halloween pumpkin carving, I suggest going early in the month of October.  With the weather here in Hawaii being pretty warm, some of the pumpkins were already starting to rot (such a bummer) and last minute pumpkin pickers are scrambling for the perfect find.  We visited at the beginning of October and found that there was a huge selection of pumpkins to choose from, with many different sizes and types.

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - K Family Adventures

My husband picked me up the perfect pumpkin for carving and Kevin Ka’eo chose his pumpkin for his first year of carving on his own.  The twins each chose little pumpkins that they decided they would later paint.  We all hiked the pumpkins up the hill to pay for them and finish off our family adventure for the day.  The pumpkin fields can be dirty and dusty and sometimes icky but seriously, the look on these boys faces each year as they find the choice pumpkin for the holiday are priceless.

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - K Family Adventures

Some of the flowers were in bloom at the farm as well, which was an incredible site.  If you know anything about me… then you know that sunflowers are some of my favorite flowers and I look forward to seeing them.  They scream Fall to me which is one of my favorite seasons.

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - K Family Adventures

Annual Trip To The Pumpkin Patch - K Family Adventures

Since my husband has a pretty crazy work schedule sometimes and we are constantly busy, we are always looking for opportunities for family time.  With the holidays right around the bend, our daily lives can keep us on our toes so having a fun day like we did definitely helps us to make memories that will last a lifetime.  Our annual visit to the Kula Country Farms Pumpkin Patch is the beginning of our Holiday Family moments and reminds me that family – no matter how big or small, is something to cherish.

What are some of your Fall family traditions? Do you visit a pumpkin patch with your family to pick the perfect pumpkin?  Happy Fall!

Signature Honey

Disclaimer:  All products, etc. were purchased by me with my own money.  Affiliate links are posted through out.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


  1. Allison @neversaydiebeauty Reply

    What fun! Love the pix of your family! Funny, I don’t think about pumpkins in Hawaii, but of course they’re there too

    • hahaha – I have friends from around the world that still get amazed by seeing me drive a car… they think we live in grass shacks still. Thank you – this is such a fun time for us.

  2. Lola Seicento Reply

    What an absolutely fun event! I love your family pictures posts!

  3. What a lovely, fun family day. Your boys are so cute and they looked as if they had such a good time.

  4. What a great tradition with your kids. They’ll remember this fondly. The boys are at the perfect ages for this.

  5. What a fun family outing! I can definitely relate to the lack of seasonal events, last year my husband and I were so excited to take our daughter to a “pumpkin patch” and it was pumpkins in bins in a parking lot – like really South Florida?! LOL I mean i know it’s always summer here, but being from the north east I was so bummed it wasn’t more festive.

    • girl… yes, I totally feel ya, because we were about that bin life too a few years ago. I gotta tell ya though, after spending summer in Florida, I bet the weather with a slight change in Fall/Winter must be somewhat exciting for you. I am sure looking forward to the cooler weather.

  6. I loved seeing your photos! What a fun family adventure at the pumpkin patch. I am sure your kiddos loved the experience. I have fond childhood memories of selecting special pumpkins (I liked the quirky odd shaped ones) at the pumpkin patch and then going home to carve them with the family. It was always a special experience. Thank you for sharing your Halloween festivities with us. I love your blog!

  7. Throws me off to see the beautiful water and pumpkins together hehe. However, it has been 79 all week here so it’s not Fall don’t let the month confuse anyone heh. Beautiful pictures girlie!

  8. I love these little posts. Your family is so sweet! We went to the pumpkin patch here in WI and it was a great time!

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