If you know anything about me, it’s that Christmas is my favorite Holiday of the year.  While I am a busy mom – I try my best to get in the festive spirit as much as possible, even if it means that I only have time for a quick makeup look or holiday inspired nails.  A few days ago I saw a post on Ipsy’s Facebook Page of gorgeous nails done by another person and I fell in love with the look.  After recreating it myself on my own nails today – I decided I would look up her blog/website and now I am a fan of her work.  You can find  her blog here: http://winkandblush.com/glitter-ombre-tutorial-quick-nails/.  I wish I took the time to find her blog earlier because I would have gotten a step by step of how she created the look, but regardless, it was fairly simple and a design I have done before using other colors – so I was pretty happy with the outcome.

Black sparkle holiday nails 2

Products used:

Base Coat:  Julep’s Nail Therapy

Base Color (Black): Sinful Colors Black on Black

Base Glitter (small gold glitters):  Julep’s Oscar

Hex and Micro Glitter (gold): elf’s Gold Star

Top Coat: Julep’s Fast Dry Top Coat

Cuticle Oil and Quick Dry:  Sally Hansen’s Dry Kwik Nail Color Dryer

black sparkle holiday nails 4

As I mentioned in previous nail posts with glitter… I absolutely love Gold glitter or tinsel in any shape.  This time of year during the Christmas Holidays – gold glitter really adds that extra sparkle and gives any color you use an added Holiday-ish look.

Black sparkle holiday nails 3

I took the photo above in natural lighting a few hours after the other photos to see how the colors transitioned in the light.  What I love so much about ELF’s Gold Star glitter is that it has those cool Hexagon shaped glitters that really reflect different tones depending on the light.  Those hex glitters caught the light shining on the sky and the grass around me and it really reflected back onto the glitter giving the image a cool effect.

Black sparkle holiday nails


Wishing you all an awesome Holiday!

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Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.

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