Let’s face it, raising a child at any age can be a challenge – but the first few years of a child’s life are a learning curve.  As my children grow each and every day, I’m reminded of how different they are – all three of them have their own personalities.  My eldest, well – as a baby and a toddler, he was very easy going and after he was a month old, he pretty much slept through the night allowing me to get rest and still go to work full time while caring for him.  The twins… well, that’s a whole different story.  They were up at all hours of the day and night and at different times.  They nursed differently – though they did everything together and still do – they have consistently kept me on my toes, well – they still do that too.  But, one things for sure… as a parent, while all advice may not be specifically geared to be a “fix all” for each child, they are great stepping stones for you to develop a pattern and a solution to fit your needs.  Today I share with you a really cool and interesting read called The Natural Baby Sleep Solution by Polly Moore, Ph. D.  This book has been a great addition to my library and I’m going to share a few of my thoughts with you on it today.

book talk, reading, book review, the natural baby sleep solution, reading, book, parenting book, baby book,

If you are a mother… then you know that we have all been there… a time when we are feeling a heavy dysfunction and disarray that plagues our daily thoughts.  The lack of sleep due to a crying or fussy baby or the stress of feeling like we have failed.  Mothers (fathers too) often experience these times within the first year of their child’s life or right around the age when your baby starts teething.  It’s natural but no matter how many times I tell you that we’ve all been there, it doesn’t make the situation any better.  The Natural Baby Sleep Solution literally is the answer to many parents’ prayers.  This book is written by a scientist whose mind is naturally geared towards scientific research and connection, but also by a mother who an relate to how we as mothers are feeling.  Polly Moore understands the ins and outs of being a parent and this book is a great approach at working a little bit of experience, science and research and love into an equation that parents have struggled with for years.

By utilizing the N.A.P.S. Plan in the book – Polly Moore explains that this simple plan will help in encouraging longer sleep periods.  It’s basically a mother’s natural instinct in science form.  The plan is relatively simple:  When your baby wakes up – keep a clock for 80 minutes and then start winding your baby down for a nap when it hits that time point.  By the 90 minute mark, get your child to bed.  Even if the naps are short, back to sleep at 90 minutes to establish not only a routine but a cycle.

When my twins were younger, they NEVER took a nap.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because I wanted to keep them up – but because they just wouldn’t fall asleep.  Later in the day when they were beyond exhausted, they either fell asleep unable to keep their eyes open or they were so wired from the lack of a nap, they stayed up all night.  The Natural Baby Sleep Solution allows you to use a few tips in guiding your child into sleeping so that they know what it feels like to be tired and want a nap – therefore giving your child the skills needed to stay asleep longer at night.  The concept is genius and one I wish I had known about prior to having my children.  Should I have any more kids in the future, I’m glad that I was able to read this book and hope to incorporate the teachings in this book for later.

book talk, reading, book review, the natural baby sleep solution, reading, book, parenting book, baby book,

By reading this book, I think it’s a great asset in teaching a parent to watch for the signs of when a child is ready to rest.  It’s not a sleep training type of book but instead gives you the tools to be able to better see the cues from your child to help with that type of situation.  It also helps in you guiding your child to be able to sleep easily – “goodnight” and close the door, etc.  Like with anything else you read that are “baby help” books, you must have an open mind and know that what might work for you and your child may not work for others and vice versa.  Again, each person is an individual – as are their children and books like these should be used as a guide and a tool – not a strong arm.

I enjoyed reading through The Natural Baby Sleep Solution by Polly Moore, Ph.D. and I am glad I was able to experience this book and the N.A.P.S. Plan.  I look forward to  including this book for other mothers at baby showers or baby gifts as I think it would make for a great read for anyone with a new born or little one.  I look forward to trying out some of this technique should I have any more children or nieces/nephews in the future.

Have you read or heard of this book before?  If so – what are your thoughts, if not – is this something you could utilize or incorporate into your mommy guide library?

Signature Honey


Disclaimer:  The product mentioned in this post was sent to me for review consideration.  All opinions are my own, 100% honest and unbiased – as with anything on this site.  I was not paid to provide my thoughts on this product or to feature it.  Affiliate links listed thorugh out.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


  1. Allison @neversaydiebeauty Reply

    Though I have no children, I know that a sleep plan can be very difficult to execute. This book sounds like very helpful advice

  2. Lola Seicento Reply

    This sounds like a really helpful and practical book to have!

  3. This would be a great baby shower gift. My 2 year old granddaughter gave up naps at 16 months and it makes it a very long day for us both.

  4. Lisa Marie Heath Reply

    I would have loved this when my guy was still little! Sounds like a great read!

  5. FabZilla_Kath Reply

    I agree w/ Marcia, this makes a great baby shower present!

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