2015 Beauty Resolutions???  Well, I am the type of person to make goals each year, but I’ve never taken the time to make one that is beauty related.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect… but I’m just the type of person that learned that sometimes I just need to do things as they come.  Yes, I think Goals are important… I do have a list as a guide.  But, I also think when it comes to beauty, I just can’t seem to strap on the cuffs and settle down – so to say.  Either way, doing this collaboration with my girls from The Beauty Council had my gears turning in my brain.  What could I possibly have as a beauty resolution?  Is there something I want to change or improve on personally when it comes to beauty?  Well, let’s just see what I came up with.

2015 Beauty Resolutions

Let me be honest with all of you for a quick second… I contemplated saying that this year I would take a backseat in purchasing cosmetics and taper my spending a bit when it came to makeup.  Then, I realized I couldn’t stop laughing because we all know that this will probably never happen.  I could consider myself a makeup addict, swooning over the newest release and yearning to make my next purchase.  But, I’m also a blogger and realistic.  There will be times I know I just can’t resist.  I can say that I have cut down my spending on makeup dramatically over the last few months… so maybe I can consider this resolution a win. #winning

On a serious note, I really did think hard about what I could possibly do for a beauty resolution this year and here are a few things I came up with.  Some people may not necessarily agree with me, but hey – they’re my resolutions… right?

  1. Start using and utilizing the makeup I currently own.  No one needs 4,200,601 makeup palettes or pieces of makeup.  Don’t get me wrong… no one can really have that much (I think), but my makeup collection is just too much and many pieces are purchased to use just once or twice and then thrown into the black hole that I call my makeup stash and forgotten about.  I get so caught up in the hype of a new makeup product release, trend or just the overall that my brain automatically buys on impulse… kind of like eating – no wonder I’m a plus sized girl. lol j/k
  2. Stop buying cosmetics based on their cute packaging.  Yeah – I don’t know that I’ll stick with that one… but I tried anyway. teehee!
  3. Get more rest / sleep.  Oh now I think I might be kidding myself with this one.  I have said for years I would be getting more rest and stop revolving around 2 hours or less of sleep each night.  I don’t think this one is possible, but one can dream… right – literally! lol  Sleep is an important part of any beauty regimen.  A good nights sleep will not only rejuvenate your body but your face and keep you looking younger, longer.  I’ll do my best to try it this year.
  4. Stop comparing myself to the “Elite Instagram Famous”.  Let me clarify on this one a little… I do look at Instagram photos and think to myself… what does this person have, that I may not.  Why do I not have as many likes on my photos as this person does?  Come on now, who doesn’t?  But the fact of the matter is that I need to remember that I don’t need to blur my skin, over saturate my images, add filters and make myself look like a doll.  My face looks great without makeup, without a filter, without editing and when I do those things, it’s never to hide imperfections that I’m uncomfortable with but for fun and creativity.  I’m not bashing on those that do, to each his own… but I don’t need to feel inferior in comparison to these people.  I’m comfortable in the skin I’m in and I can rock it too!
  5. Love Myself!  Last but not least, I thought this one would be important.  Like I mentioned before, I love the skin I’m in and I’m comfortable with me and who I am… but it took a long time to get to that point in my life.  Insecurities are something each person may have and have to deal with on their own.  I need to remember to take time for me and take care of me.  I must love myself, love me for all that I have done, all my accomplishments and most important celebrate who I am as a person.

2015 is going to the best year of my life and I am determined to ensure that it is.  Whether it means I need to make goals for life or for beauty, family or anything in general – I am confident that any resolution whether or big or small will be a great inspiration for success.  All kidding aside while this post was meant to poke fun on a few things I do, it was also meant to be a serious side of who I am.  I seek to be an inspiration for those who feel they just “cannot” and with a little self love and push – I know it can happen.  Don’t forget to stop on by and show some love to my girls from The Beauty Council.  Read what made their Beauty Resolutions list for 2015.

Wishing you all a wonderful 2015.  May all your resolutions be accomplished and may you get all the happiness, love and prosperity your heart desires. xo!

Signature Honey




Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


  1. Nailed it with #3. Sometimes I feel like I’m losing my sanity when I don’t sleep much for several weeks.

  2. erikatheicyone Reply

    Yeah… Not going to stop buying makeup. But I am going to try to make even more considered purchases. *gives Ulta 20% coupon the side eye*

  3. I need to take this advice soooo bad. I totally find such cute packaging even when the product sucks, but I want it cause it is pretty. So bad since it sits there and goes to waste. lol… But I need to try hard and be better. Great list of resolutions.

  4. FabZilla_Kath Reply

    Cute packaging is like a temptress to me. Great collab post. I enjoyed reading everyone’s

  5. Lola Seicento Reply

    Excellent list! Cute packaging can be so tough to resist! I try to ignore it and focus on what’s inside, but sometimes it is a tough thing to do!

  6. Allison @neversaydiebeauty Reply

    Lovely list, my dear! I definitely have to cut back on my makeup purchasing. I already have so much makeup that I use only a fraction of it.

  7. Aleya Bamdad Reply

    I’m with you on not purchasing things based on packaging. I’ve done it waaay too many times.

  8. Bailey_AlltheWords Reply

    Can I ‘borrow’ your whole list? I totally agree with everything you’ve mentioned. Love the pendant you’re wearing too- so cute!

  9. Great resolutions! I feel you on the very 1st one. I’m starting to slow down, only because it gets to be overwhelming and hard to use. 🙂

  10. YESSSS Some of these Instagram makeup photos are just so unattainable, and quite honestly unwearable. Yes it looks good for a instagram picture, but I cant see myself walking around in the SHARPEST BROWS KNOWN TO MAN and crazy eye makeup every day.

  11. I need to work on comparing myself only to me, and not to other bloggers. There is a difference between emulating things I like about other bloggers, and seeing if something they do can improve my blog, and having the green-eyed monster take over! Lol.

  12. I get so mad at the extreme photoshopping on eye looks. I get that you’d want some because it’s an “ad” but these brands go SO overboard. It’s impossible to make your IRL eye ball look like that.

  13. lol the cute packaging….grrr… those companies are too good!! i can relate!! awesome goals for this year! thanks for sharing with us!! 😀

  14. I love all of these resolutions and goals!! I really should sit down and jot some down for myself. I know right off the bat that I need to drink more water too AND step up my game on makeup storage. I would use up more of what I already have if I did

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