Who doesn’t like a good cleansing facial oil? Well, prior to trying new brands, I had used my Organic Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil “my holy grail, must-have, cure all” product as not only a facial and body moisturizer, hair serum/oil, facial cleanser and makeup remover as the facial oil of choice.  Of course, you could call me pretty biased, but I really wasn’t going to try any new brands.  However, recently I have had the opportunity to try out a Cleansing Facial Oil from Insta Natural (which is a brand I love for skin care products already) and I knew I had to try it out.

insta natural cleansing oil


Cleansing Facial Oils are all the craze now a days as they are beginning to replace normal cleansers that we can buy to remove dirt, grime and makeup.  While it is becoming a new trend, using oil to remove makeup has been around for years… in fact, my mom would tell me that my dad suggested she use Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Coconut Oil to remove her makeup years before it started to become popular.  A best kept secret for many years, it is now something you hear about often all over the internet, on television and in magazines.

Insta Natural’s Gentle & Reviving Deep Cleansing Facial Oil ($49.95 Retail – on sale for $19.95, 4 fl oz / 120 ml) is a skin and pore purifier and makeup remover.  Said to be the fastest, easiest way to banish dirt, grime and makeup from your face – application is easy and so is the removal.  Simply massage a small amount of the facial wash into your skin to take off all the dirt and makeup.  I have enjoyed using this especially to remove my waterproof mascara or lash adhesive.  It works well and doesn’t leave my face feeling dry or my eyes irritated like some cleansers can do.  It’s still delicate enough to not strip your skin of natural oils that you need to keep your skin soft and moisturized and your skin doesn’t feel oily after washing it off.  I like to put a little of the cleanser on my finger tips to remove eye makeup or put some of the facial oil on a cotton pad or cotton ball and gently rub on my face to remove the dirt.  I then rinse it off with warm water and pat my face dry with a clean cloth.

insta natural cleansing oil

The dispenser is very easy to use, simply just push down on the pump and your facial oil is dispensed.  You can decide whether or not how you want to apply and use it.  Like I said depending on what I need to take off, I will use appropriately.

Key Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, Essential Oils, Hemp Oil, Tamanu Oil, and Seabuckthorn Oil.

Now if you have never used a cleansing oil before to clean your face, it may be a bit different from what you expect a cleanser to do.  If you already have oily or acne prone skin, it may also seem like you are doing something completely wrong by adding oil to your skin to clean it when your skin already over produces oil.  However, sometimes many don’t realize that your skin may be overproducing oil because it is not moisturized and therefore your skin is overcompensating for lack of moisture.  While that may not be the case for everyone, I definitely suggest trying a facial cleansing oil to see how it would work for you.  I use some form of oil whether coconut oil, Argan oil or Rosehip oil to moisturize my face at least once a day and over the last two years my skin went from break outs to barely a pimple in site.

insta natural cleansing oil

This facial cleanser does have a light fragrance that smells almost like jojoba oil (probably because it includes jojoba oil) and while it does have Lavender Essential oil, the scent of lavender is not over powering and just light enough to where you can smell a hint of it, but it doesn’t drive me nuts.  Since I have very dry skin, this has definitely made a difference in my skin care routine, keeping my skin soft and moisturized even before adding my serums and moisturizer.  I loved that I was able to get through the summer months without a severe eczema flare up because my skin stayed supple. While this is a liquid / oil like textured product, it doesn’t feel “oily” and cleanses the skin while locking in the much needed moisture our skin needs.

insta natural rosehip seed oil

Along with Insta Natural’s Cleansing Facial Oil I have also been using the 100% Pure Rosehip Seed Oil ($49.95 Retail – On Sale for $21.95 / 4 fl.oz.) in my skin care regimen.  This organic oil is rich in essential fatty acids, including Linolenic, Linoleic and Oleic Acid (Omega 3,6 & 9) along with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Antiioxidants and Beta-Carotene.  This can be used on your face, hair, nails and skin as a restorer that helps to heal your skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, scars and stretch marks and provides hydration for your skin as well as reviving your natural skin color.  I have been loving this product for my stretch marks (yes, I have lots of those… remember – 2 births and one I carried twins. lol) as well as using on some of my acne scars.  I do have to be a bit careful with the use of this product however, because sometimes I feel like I look a little more “tanned” then I should be, though it does even out my skin tone quite nicely.

100% Pure USDA Certified Organic Rosehip Seed Oi. NO CHEMICALS, NO ADDITIVE, NO ADDED FRAGRANCE. Imported from Chile.

This has an amber yellowish tint to it so I while it soaks into the skin really nicely, keep in mind that spilling this can stain.  Also the smell… do not expect this to smell like roses because the scent is a little… hmmm…. I can’t even explain it.  It reminds me of taking a fish oil capsule and a strong scented vitamin – it’s strong but luckily it doesn’t last too long.  I use this product mostly in the evenings because of the scent and if you are sensitive to smell, I probably wouldn’t use it during the day.  Overall this makes a great addition to my skincare regimen and I also suggested it to a friend who has been suffering from inflammation of the skin and acne breakouts and she has been enjoying it.

While I think that any of the products mentioned in this post could be beneficial for many – especially if you have dry skin I also know that sometimes what works for others may not work for some.  I do suggest trying it out and seeing how it works for you or discuss with your dermatologist.  I use several different products from the Insta Natural line (you can see other products I have reviewed: Argan Oil Hair Treatment and Youth Express Eye Gel) and have been loving their skincare line altogether.  Have you heard of facial cleansing oils before and have your tried any?  What about Rosehip oil?  What are your thoughts on these items?

Signature Honey

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


    • girl… that’s good that you know your skin, ya know. I know so many people that think their skin is oily but its actually screaming for moisture.

  1. I’ve used other cleansing oils, and they are different, but I like them. Especially after a heavier-makeup day, they are great for really getting all the makeup off. I’ve used Rosehip oil in my oil blend, it’s a wonderful oil for skin health. I love the products I’ve tried from InstaNatural, too – their argan oil hair masque and hyaluronic acid serum are great!

  2. Cosmetic Sanctuary Reply

    I was using this and liked it. So far I’ve liked most of the Instanatural line

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