Here in Hawaii, most of us are on day 5 or more of the self-quarantine, social distancing, and lockdown during this coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Our Mayor just released a “Stay in Place” order and I know many states throughout the United States are on a City or Statewide Lockdown. A few islands in our state have already instituted curfews and many establishments are no longer open. My sons’ schools, as well as all schools in the state, are closed till April 7th. I know it’s a scary time for humanity, and many of us are doing the best we can to keep composed during an uncertain time. Honestly, it can’t be easy for anyone and I know first hand how trying and stressful it is for those who are worried about compromised immune systems. As much as I’m worried and stressed, I’m also looking at this as a way to spend more time with my family and to get going back on the grind here on the blog again. It’s been FOREVER (literally, no post since December) since I wrote here and just about as long since my last YouTube video. So, I’m going to be taking this time to be a bit more active here and on social media. Missed me? Well, hopefully so and hopefully you don’t get tired of me too quickly.
So, we are going to be riding out this storm together. There is so much going on in my personal life, I feel like I haven’t had the chance to update anyone. Even my IG has been a bit dormant lately. If you’ve been following me there at all, you may have seen that my sister and I have been doing workshops for all kinds of sorts. It’s been fun and exciting but that also means that a few things (like my blog) have been pushed to the back for a bit. I’ve also been taking time away from my blog the last year or so because I feel like I need to share with my readers what’s been going on in my personal life and I have been avoiding it. (Stay tuned, that’s coming in a later post or video, or podcast)
I’m extremely excited to have more time with my boys and husband since we are on lock-down. I tried to make sure to have my normal monthly shopping done a few weeks ago so that we wouldn’t be stuck in a predicament, and I’m glad I did because the shelves in our stores are bare and empty as I’m sure it is in most stores across the nation. I usually do our huge family shopping once a month and the stores were already dwindling in supplies. Sometimes, we take so many things for granted and I’m glad that I was somewhat prepared before this shitshow hit the islands. Honestly, there is not much we can do about it, so I digress… but I know it’s such a big challenge for so many that just want basic necessities. We try to help where we can.
I’ve been practicing Social Distancing (yes, that is a term) and only leaving the house should I truly need it. As many of you know, if you’ve been following me a while, I as well as my husband has compromised immune systems and the boys all have asthma. So we are trying to limit our time outside in the public as much as possible. Leaving home for medical emergencies and food are going to be our new norm for the next few weeks (at least). I’m hoping this will give me a great opportunity to not only work on the blog, but also get videos up and podcast segments. I have no excuse now, so I can utilize the tools I have that I do not need to go into public to use.
Here is a list of things I’ll be doing and focusing on while keeping indoors during Social Distancing:
Netflix & Chill – Yes, that is truly a thing and now we get to put that phrase into action. I’m using this opportunity to not only get caught up on some shows I’ve had on my watchlist, but also to watch some newly released ones. I’ll be releasing a series of posts over the next 2 weeks (or so) with a list of some recommendations for different networks and streaming services, like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+, so keep your eyes open for them.
Arts & Crafts with the kids – Since the boys are usually in school, I don’t have the opportunity to do a lot of arts & crafts with them. So, we’ve pulled out the polymer clay, watercolor paints and all the fun things to do during this time. If you have kiddos, use this time to learn a new craft or teach a new craft to the kids

Continue Learning from Home – Now is the time to get going on homeschooling. Keep your children educated by reading to them daily, doing fun activities online that encourages reading or math. Things like these are perfect to keep kids on top of their learning so that when they go back to school, it’s a fairly easy transition.
Learn how to play an instrument, brush up on your skills or learn a new song to play or sing – Bet you didn’t know I play an instrument (or a few), huh? Well, I am hoping to utilize some of the time teaching myself a new song or brushing up on my ukulele skills. Maybe I can convince Kevin Ka’eo to teach me how to play the guitar or drums.
Virtually tour National Parks and Museums – If you follow me on Facebook, I’ve been sharing links to different sites that allow you to take virtual tours of National Parks & Museums. It’s a great way to get outdoors, without stepping out of the house & the kids love it.
Get that “At Home Exercise” routine in – I’ve been using the gym as a way to keep up with exercise, but I need to remember that I can do all those types of exercises at home, for the most part. I know that I have to keep up with my activity, even while indoors and this is a great way to do it.
Practice meditation, mindfulness, and self-care – sometimes we forget that we need to live in the now, be thankful for what we have and utilize the things that we forget all about due to the hustle and bustle of life. I have hardly been taking the time to meditate the last few months or just think about things that I need or must do to keep inspired. I also haven’t really been taking care of my personal self the last few months too. Because of this, it’s important that I take this time to really focus on improving myself and taking better care of myself as well.
Get caught up on reading – This one is definitely important to me since one of my 20 for 20 goals this year is to read at least a book a month. I’ve been catching up on my reading and keeping up with all kinds of fun things.
Start or continue gratitude journaling or journaling in general – this is something I do daily so it’s something that I think will continue to be a part of my routine. A great way to combat the humdrum blues and keep positive and inspired is to write or journal.
Play Video games – Yes, I went there… lmao! But, on all seriousness though… I find that playing video games is a great way to pass the time and there are so many games out there that are fun to play together as a family or via online platforms with friends.
Board Games anyone? Pull out the Monopoly, Connect Four, Sorry, Clue, etc. and have some fun with family that you share a house with. Since most families are stuck in the same predicament in their household, have some fun.
Time to get caught up with Blog posts, YouTube Videos and Podcasts – Since I haven’t been writing, recording, or posting anything the last few months, I’m going to be using this time to get caught up with a proper posting schedule. But, I’ll also be using this time to get caught up reading, watching and listening to other people’s posts as well.
Learn a new language or skill – I guess I’ll be opening good ol’ Duolingo once again and brushing up or learning a new language. This is also a great time to learn some new skills. I will be looking into websites like Skillshare, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning and others to learn new things and new skills. I’m excited because I love learning.
Purge & Organize the house – It’s Spring Cleaning time, so what better time of the year than to purge old items or those we don’t use and to organize and clean the house. I’m trying to convince myself that I no longer have a reason to put it off, so I’m gonna make it work in my favor.
Clean the Car, Inside and Out – Winter really raised havoc on my car. With the constant rain, I have mud inside and outside my vehicle. This is a great time for me to not only clean out the car, vacuum and wipe everything down, but give it a nice wash and polish too.
Of course, this is just a quick list I put together. There is definitely so much more that we can do while we are stuck indoors or on our own properties.
Yes, being stuck at home can be one of our biggest challenges. But, just think about it this way – staying at home for a month now, to help flatten the curve and stop the pandemic from spreading… is far less worst than having to be on lockdown for months or even a year because it became completely uncontrollable. Many of our ancestors and people before us fought against the plague, Spanish flu, and many wars and if we are smart and think of others, together we can. Besides, we have television, radio, and the internet to help us pass the time, so I think that social distancing is much more doable because of it. I’m not gonna lie, I’m going stir crazy too… but I’m using this time to get caught up on television series, Netflix shows and family time. Speaking of Netflix shows, keep an eye here on the blog for my Binge-Worthy movies and series to watch (especially for moms) during this social distancing time.
To all of my family and friends near and far, stay safe, stay healthy and be smart. I’m looking forward to using this time to improve myself and get more time with my family. Being cooped up in the house is never an easy thing, especially when it’s important for everyone, but hopefully this list has given you a little inspiration on things you can do while at home.
Stay healthy & safe friends – xo Honey
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