Love is…

Watching a movie on Netflix over and over and over again so many times that you can quote each line, sing each song and play out the scenes in your mind without watching a minute of it – because it’s your children’s favorite movie.

Stuffing your bag with chocolate snacks – even if you know that it will melt, because it is your child’s favorite goodie and you want to be able to treat them.

Missing out on Grey’s Anatomy week after week and having to catch up on old episodes after the season ends so that your family can watch their favorite shows.

Stepping on Legos to get to the kitchen, bedroom or anywhere in the house (if you have children with legos, you will feel for me on this), because they have them all spread out to build their giant creation and you can’t mess up a thing because they are all separated to ensure easy building. lol

Standing at the bathroom door while one of your twins uses the restroom during the night because he is afraid of walking in the hallway at night.

Asking the restaurant to remove the pickles and onions from a sandwich because your husband and sons are not fond of them.

Picking up Tin Roof Sundae Ice Cream in bulk when it is on sale because it is my husband’s favorite and it is not always in stock.

Knowing someone so well that you are empty when they are not around and you can finish each others sentences without hesitation.

Giving up your bed and husband to your children because they want to cuddle with daddy.

Running to the store to pick up supplies for your homemade mac and cheese – even when you know nothing is on sale and you will spend 10x as much on it now then if you waited a week.  But hey – it’s the kids favorite.

Family Portrait

Love Is…

Smiles, Giggles, Snuggles and Holding Hands!  It’s about compassion, support and compromise.  Love is about Family, commitment and honesty.  Give and Take, pain and healing, sadness and happiness.  Love is what keeps me going and makes me strong.  My life revolves around love and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I know I haven’t done a post like this in quite a while and I really miss incorporating them into my site.  You may see more of these… but if you made it this far – then thank you so much for sticking around.  Wishing you all a blessed and Wonderful day and weekend.

What is Love to you?

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Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


  1. What a sweet post! You have a wonderful family, and they are so lucky to have you 🙂

  2. What a great post. It is so touching! And you have a beautiful family. <3

  3. Such a sweet post. My husband and I tell each other all the time that we love each other, but it’s really the little things we do that get the message across. Feels good to take care of each other. Hugs!

    • thank you so much 😉 Before bed or when we are getting off the phone, my husband and I always say that we love one another – life is too short to have regrets and it is important to embrace love. <3

  4. Aww such a cute post. Love to me is many things from being able to do things for my family and friends, and just spending time with them or making my husband’s favorite meal

  5. awwww what a beautiful family you have! OMG stepping on a lego. SO painful. Makes me cringe just to think about it lol!

    • thank you Amber. 😉 Omigosh – yes, legos and army men – death to them. lol I played legos a lot as a kid with my siblings – I now know why my parents laugh when I say my feet hurt. lol

  6. Angela Sherman Reply

    Awe…I love this! I”m pregnant with my first child (a boy!) and this post just made me so emotional 🙂

  7. cindyprimebeauty Reply

    Great post, don’t forget to do something nice for yourself too, because you should you.

    • thank you love. <3 They are my everything… Oh my – me too, I am so happy ABC lets you watch it online or I would have to wait for netflix to get it. lol

  8. Betzy Carmona Reply

    I really like the message of your post ! Something we should all consider because sometimes we don’t know what it might mean to us.

  9. FabZilla_Kath Reply

    Lovely post mama, and I can sniff the love all the way from Maui to Oahu! xo

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