Whew… this week kind of flew by for me.  It’s nice to get it out of the way because my whole family has been sick off and on the last 2 weeks… “Get out of my house sick!”  Anywho… it’s Thirsty Thursday time and I had a lot to say this week.  Check out my video and give me some feedback.  What are your thoughts about makeup?  Is too much, really too much?  Are you going to be settling down on your makeup purchases this year (a resolution & goals for 2014 will be posted soon).  What was your drink of choice today?  (my Thirsty Thursday video is embedded below).

Also – I wanted to share a little Throwback with all of you.

TBT Honey & Kevin 1997-1998


The photo above was taken in 1997 or 1998 (I think in the early part of 1998, before I graduated from High School).  My husband (then boyfriend) and I were at a party and someone took this photo of us.  Contrary to my smile (or lack thereof), I was a pretty happy lady.  Oi – look at those brows – lmao.  I was always more of a natural brow type of person, even now… I mostly set it with a brow gel if I can get away with it. lol

5 Things you may not know about me or this photo…

  1. I loved Aaliyah’s style – and had a thing for baggy pants and plaid/flannel.  I still love her style and would rock out Timbalands and baggy overalls any day – lol.  I wish that style came back… totally love the 90s.
  2. I was rocking out side bangs in this photo.  I flat ironed it so it would lay nicely and kind of sprayed it in place.  Because of my naturally curly hair, if I didn’t do so – I would have looked like a poodle.  It was not by choice that I had this hairstyle… someone just wanted to butcher my hair. lol
  3. I married this very handsome, sexy man in this photo – we have 3 beautiful kids together and believe it or not… I chased after him for 4 years before we started dating… but that’s another story. lol
  4. I am super tan in this photo because those were the days I surfed a lot and you could find me at the beach almost everyday.  Now – I just don’t have the passion for it – so I have since lightened up quite a bit. lol
  5. I have kept my brows this shape for years (the same as in the photo) and have not changed them up ever.  I have been pretty lucky to have full and nice brows in my lifetime. 🙂

Hope you guys had an awesome Thursday – I’m hoping to get mine wrapped up and settled down!  Have a wonderful rest of your week.  Don’t forget to watch Thirsty Thursday’s video below.


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Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.

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