As many people know, I take daily supplements to help with my health and well being. One of those are Omega 3 Supplements – otherwise known as Fish Oil. The Life & Food Omega 3 Supreme Fish Oil is one that I have been loving because it not only has the ingredients in the supplements that I need, but it’s easy to take. While many think that Fish Oil is not mandatory or needed in their diet, for me it is beneficial and has been so helpful in my day to day that I find it a necessity. Today – I’m gonna share with you a little about this brand and what I like about this specific product.
Life & Food Omega 3 Supreme Softgels retail for about $30.00 and are enteric coated and pharmaceutical grade. These capsules are easy to swallow – really easy, considering their size and they have not funky after taste… woohoo – no fish burps. I love that as many of the supplements I have taken in the past give me a funky fish after taste or make my breath smell weird. Each capsule is molecurlarly distilled for healthy heart, brain and joint support. I take two capsule soft gels a day – but spread them out by taking one in the morning with breakfast and one at night with dinner though you can take them both together.
Omega 3 Supreme has been shown by research to promote cardiovascular health, joint support, circulation and helps in maintaining cholesterol levels. The softgel has a purely refined fish oil that contains a higher concentration of pharmaceutical grade Omega 3’s than the standard Fish Oil supplements. The product comes from a fishery that has been independently certified to the MSC’s standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery.
Since I have take so many different supplements with fish oil and similar attributes, I was not sure that I needed to change the brand I use but I’m glad I did and started with this one. It makes it so easy to take and considering my supplement stack and medicine I have to take for my health already – these are really easy to swallow.
These supplements are also quite affordable. With 180 softgels included, you get 75% Omega 3 potency and 1400 mg per serving of fish oil concentrate. The softgels are made with Bovine Gelatin which make it easy to swallow and consume and again – no fishy taste or burps.
I definitely suggest you trying this particular brand or softgel if you are looking to try Omega 3’s or are looking for a new type of supplement. I have really enjoyed taking these as a part of my daily intake of vitamins. Like with all supplements or vitamins, please consult your physician prior to use as I am not a medical professional and simply stating my results with this product.
Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post were sent to me for review / consideration. All opinions are my own, 100% honest and unbiased and I was not paid to provide my thoughts on this product. Affiliate links are posted through out.