Yes, it is that time of year when most people create a laundry list of resolutions that not only depress them and make them feel unaccomplished, but also add to the paper clutter. Let’s face it, I have done it time and time before and about two years ago I decided that instead of the “resolution” route I would aim to have a “goal” or better yet – a challenge. I am no short of making those “lose weight by Spring” and “save enough money for a trip” resolution people but this year I figured I would change things and focus an important challenge on my makeup spending. After working on my yearly January Purge of the household items and including my makeup stash, I realized… “Wow – I have a lot of makeup!” Of course, I knew this information – but when I had it all laid out in front of me, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed and out of breath. And, I didn’t even spend much on makeup last year – so I couldn’t fathom where it all came from.
Who needs 50 plus makeup palettes (most of which probably have the same or similar eye shadow shades) and over 200 lipsticks? Well, up until today – I did, or at least I thought I did. Each year and several times a year I purge my makeup, but this time it seemed out of control and I was disappointed with myself. As a blogger, especially one who blogs about beauty products, you can find yourself wrapped up in all the pretty shimmer and sparkle. Sometimes I’m completely entranced by the new packaging – Too Faced gets me on that every time, or sparkle and shimmer for the eye lid, yup – ColourPop’s to blame for that one. There are so many reasons why buying makeup is so fun and besides, I’m the only girl in my house and I want to embrace that chic, girly and flirty side that makes me feel feminine. But, as I pack up a bunch of unused cosmetics that are being donated to the Women’s Shelter and saying goodbye to the makeup I’m handing over to friends and family, I am starting to realize that “Enough is enough!”
“Whether I’m wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I’m always the same person inside.” – Lady Gaga
I literally can hear the lady at my local Sephora sobbing in tears as I am typing my revelation, hahaha! Don’t get me wrong, I will still purchase makeup if I feel like it’s something I’ll need – like Mascara, that’s something you use up and throw out after a few months. Or, if it’s something I really want. But, I won’t be stalking ColourPop’s Instagram page and Urban Decay’s Facebook waiting for the next release to feed my addiction as a makeup lover. As a blogger who writes about beauty products, this may be a challenge, but I will be smart about it and make it work!
Now let’s be honest and real for a minute. Committing to not buy any makeup for the entire year of 2016 is literally like saying I won’t eat pizza – which is my favorite food and impossible. But I can be realistic and do it in waves. So I think my challenge will be to break up the challenge into quarters – every three months. This way it will allow me to reflect every couple of months on how the challenge is going and what needs to be done to accomplish my goal.
I’ll be taking part in this challenge with my friend Beth from Together we will encourage one another to stick to our goal/challenge and keep one another on track. We each agreed that we would build a wishlist of items that we’ve had our eyes and minds set on (we’ll list it here in our posts) and do our best to keep to it. Each quarter we will update and make a new post outlining what we spend on makeup purchases and what we bought. This way we are not quitting cold turkey but will not buy frivolously.
My wishlist of items:
- Too Faced Peanut Butter & Jelly Palette
- Too Faced Sweet Peach Palette
- Too Faced Sweet Hearts Bronzer
- Too Faced Sweet Hearts Blush – peach
Pretty much everything listed right now is from Too Faced Cosmetic’s Spring and Summer Collections for 2016. I may add or delete some products but the goal of this is to stay within the lines of what my wish list is and not buy on a whim. I will also purchase eye liners and mascaras since I go through those very quickly. Should other releases or other products become available, I may add to this list, but again – it’s about keeping it all under control and not buying “just because”. Each quarter I will stop in and update with a post that states what I may have purchased and if I did buy any of my wishlist items. My friend Beth and I will each do this together to not only be a great support, but to help challenge one another.
What’s not included: Sponsored Products, Press Samples, Gift Cards or Gifts and The Basics
It’s obvious that as a blogger I receive Press Samples and samples as a part of Sponsored posts. Since these are sent to me and I do not pay for it out of my own pocket, they are not counted or included. Gift Cards or gifts will not be counted since they were provided to me as a gift. The basics include my mascara, eye liners and other things that I use consistently, repurchase often and most the time are drugstore or affordable. Each quarter I will list any purchases I have made that are not a part of my wish list as well as the cost of each. This will help me keep a running tally of how much I’m spending as well as allow me to keep motivated.
Some may be asking what this may mean for the blog? Well, everything will be the same. Well, if you read my post “This Life I Love“, then this challenge will be absolutely perfect because it will also challenge me to focus my blog on all the things I love, not just makeup. I consider that a win win! So what about you, will you be joining myself and my friend Beth on our Makeup Spending Challenge journey? If you do, be sure to comment on each post letting us know how you plan to accomplish your goals and how you did each quarter – we’ll be very excited to see. Wish us luck!
Also – be sure to stop by my friend Beth’s blog (click this link) to read about her Makeup Challenge and her wishlist.
Disclaimer: Affiliate links may be posted throughout, all opinions are my own, 100% honest and unbiased.
Lol, yes saying no makeup purchases at all for the year, waaay to hard. Too faced and colourpop are awesome. Loved reading this <3 so inspiring! Hurrah for a new year! Let's do it! xD
Last year, I did something like this and didn’t even really plan on it. I just spent the year really trying to use up beauty products that I had stockpiled, it was bad! It feels great to say that I did not spend a whole lot on beauty last year!
I need to do the same thing. I don’t have 50 shadow palettes but I’m probably getting close to 25 which is still too many. And lipsticks, I’ve got enough for a lifetime. But I just caved and bought 2 Maybelline Color Tattoo sticks (saved with $7 in CVS Extrabucks) & the IT Cosmetics collection that was on sale on QVC – no more of that late night temptation! Good luck with your resolution!
I worked on purging lots of things at the end of last year, and donated piles and piles of things that we were no longer using. I did not, however, even begin sorting through all of my makeup and skincare items to get rid of the things that I won’t likely use. I definitely need to do that! You are inspiring me!
I know how you feel. I actually am trying to resist buying at this time, too. I have so many products that I need to use up first. 🙂
Girl, you’re a better woman than I am. Good luck on your challenge! 😀
I stopped buying makeup just because a few years ago right before I began saving to purchase our home. You’re right, you don’t need 50 palettes.
I just finished a shopping ban on Boxing Day. Good luck with yours! Hats off to you for making your challenge last a whole year! I doubt I would last half as long 🙁
I don’t buy as much as I used to. I pretty much have a budget I stick to and only go crazy during the makeup shows.
Best of luck in your challenge girl! I actually was planning on limiting myself more this year, just because I really have too much stuff already, but I wonder if I can stick with it for the whole of 2016.
I did this last year, and I did good until like April heheh and then it hit the fan. I did give away so much during the Holidays, and now I have a new storage that is empty because of it heheh. Thanks for sharing your journey!
I so need to do this, but ugh the new TF stuff is just so enticing and I don’t own any TF yet. Such bblogger problems haha
I buy so much and I know I overdo it. I just bought another neutral palette and of course I have so many. Your resolve is terrific and I wish you luck. It’s fine to review older palettes to remind everyone of what they might have forgotten about.
I am definitely ready for a big purge. Your plan seems very reasonable–good luck!
I really need to do something like this – and I’m off to check out your picks!
I’ve been trying a minimal-buy (no buy sounded too restrictive!) and have been doing pretty well so far. I am so going to break it for the TF Peach palette though- it looks amazing!
I really should do this, too. Another blogger is inspiring me to ‘shop my stash’ and maybe I’ll do some blogging on older stuff in my collection. I’ve definitely run out of room for my collection! I’m such a hoarder.
I feel the same way. I haven’t bought anything from Sephora since Christmas, I don’t even care if I lose my VIB rouge this year.
Good luck with your resolution!
I want the PB&J palette as well!