If you follow me on Snapchat – then you know that avenue has pretty much taken the place of my daily vlogs that I used to do on YouTube.  I do miss posting daily vlogs of my life and my family, but editing and craziness can sometimes take its toll and I just haven’t found the time.  If you are on Snapchat – definitely stop on by and check out my daily life as I post several times a day and share my wackiness with you.

My Month on Snapchat - August 2015

I have combined all or most of my snaps from the month of August on my YouTube channel to share with you.  (click here to watch directly on YouTube or embedded below)  Since snaps are deleted daily I have been downloading them to upload to YouTube in place of my vlogs.  Are you on Snapchat?  Add me by scanning the photo (taking a picture) of the thumbnail above as there is a special code in the photo that will allow you to add me directly.

Follow me on snapchat – @honeygirlk1 and share my daily life with me.  I post daily and will also be uploading a few times a month on YouTube so my future snap posts like this one will not be as long.  Have a wonderful weekend loves! xo

Signature Honey

Disclaimer:  I am not being paid to feature or discuss Snapchat – this is just a fun post to share with all of you!


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.

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