Yves Saint Laurent is one of those brands that are true and dear to my heart and still satisfies that luxurious craving I have within my soul.  How can one resist the beautiful gold packaging and rich hues that YSL creates?  Let’s face it, I will do a hop, skip and a jump when I have any of YSL’s products in my hands and treasure the brand and all they have to offer as one of my favorites.  Today I want to share with you two gorgeous shades from the YSL Rouge Pur Couture lipstick line – Rose Stiletto and Fuchsia.  Let’s have a look-see and satisfy that gold craving!

YSL Rouge Pur Couture - Rose Stiletto and Fuchsia

When Influenster sent me the happy email that I was included in this recent YSL Influenster Voxbox – I was excited and filled with joy.  I haven’t tried any lipsticks from this particular line of YSL so I was very intrigued and counted the days when the box arrived on my doorstep.  That black box adorned with YSL logo finally arrived and I was beyond giddy like a school girl about to pass her crush in the halls.  I opened the box and was a bit disappointed to find that the Fuchsia lipstick was mooshed in the tube but so excited to see the tubes in their gorgeous glory.

YSL Rouge Pur Couture - Rose Stiletto and Fuchsia

YSL Rouge Pur Couture in Fuchsia is a gorgeous bold pink shade.  While I think some people can pull it off year round, this color would be my choice for the Spring and Summer months.  I think it feels wonderful on the lips, glides on with ease and is a showstopping shade that will surely turn heads in a flash.

YSL Rouge Pur Couture - Rose Stiletto and Fuchsia

YSL Rouge Pur Couture in Rose Stiletto is my favorite of the two I received.  It’s a gorgeous dusty mauve pink that I could wear in place of my basic brown nudes when I want a little something different.  I love that this shade is easy to wear with a variety of looks and like Fuchsia it is comfortable on the lips and feels creamy and great on.

YSL Rouge Pur Couture - Rose Stiletto and Fuchsia

The Rouge Pur Couture line comes in a wide range of colors – over 40 different shades to choose from.  Retailing for $32.00 (3.8g / 0.13 oz.) each tube comes adorned in the gold YSL packaging and a stamp of the logo directly on the lipstick bullet.  Like most YSL lipsticks, these feel wonderful and hydrating on the lips and come with a gorgeous satin finish that leave your lips feeling moisturized and comfortable.  These shades come packed with a punch of color – one stroke and you get rich shades with intense hydration and antioxidant care for your puckers.  With about 4 hours of wear time on my lips, I think these are such a great luxury choice, especially if you love gold as I do and have a thing for packaging.

YSL Rouge Pur Couture - Rose Stiletto and Fuchsia

If I had to make one notation – it is that the packaging specifically for these lipsticks feel a lot lighter than what I am used to with some of the other lippies from YSL.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I expected the tube to be sturdy in feel, heavy and it is much lighter than I would have thought.

Have you tried these lipsticks yet?  If not – are they on your crush list?  Comment below and let me know what you think of these beauties.

Signature Honey


Disclaimer:  The product(s) mentioned in this post were sent to me for review/consideration as a part of the Influenster Voxbox.  All opinions are my own, 100% honest and unbiased.  I was not paid to provide my thoughts on these products or feature them on my site but affiliate links are posted through out.


Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. Mother of 3 and proud Wife. I love Food, whether it be eating it or cooking it and love to learn about new types of food from different cultures. I love making YouTube videos and meeting new friends and I have had a passion and love for photography since I was a little girl.


  1. Lola Seicento Reply

    OMG, these are both so unbelievably gorgeous on you, Honey! I need Rose Stiletto NOW! I love a gorgeous Dusty Mauve!

  2. Allison @neversaydiebeauty Reply

    Both shades look great on you! I’m wearing Rose Stiletto right now, and it feels and looks so good on. It’s amazing how these two shades work with such a range of skin tones.

  3. Those are just beautiful on you. As much as I like the Fuchsia it’s the Rose that’s a standout.

  4. all_the_words025 Reply

    These shades are perfect. I really like Rose Stiletto.

  5. Christine C. Reply

    Rose Stiletto looks so gorgeous! It would be a color I’d wear daily!!

  6. Norah Salazar Reply

    Both are gorgeous lipsticks. The only YSL I own is Touche Eclait, and I love it.

  7. YSL is my weakness when it comes to lipsticks! I adore their RVS line, and I really wish Influenster sent me this box! Hopefully one day I get a beauty box from them! lol

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