Today, I’m going to share a product line that was new to me a few months ago. The concept is interesting and the two products I was able to try – definitely interesting as well. I’d like to introduce you to – Naked Nutrition.
The Story
Naked Nutrition was founded by former cross country and track All-American Stephen Zieminsky in 2014. He saw a need to create a supplement/nutritional brand for people that are trying to live a healthy lifestyle but were marketed health, while being sold something else. It began with five single-ingredient supplements, including their best-selling Naked Whey from grass-fed California cows and Naked Pea from raw yellow peas grown in the USA and Canada. Naked Nutrition is now known for its no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners, and no mixing agents. The concept… you control the flavor and your nutrition by what you choose to add to Naked proteins and supplements. Seems fairly simple… right?
Nakedade – Lemon Lime
I’ll admit that when I first saw this product on the website, the first thing I thought of was Gatorade. Products that tout the “electrolytes” word in their title kind of bring to mind similar types of drinks. But this one is different.
Nakedade comes with individually wrapped packets which make it great to throw in your gym bag and head to your workout. While most electrolyte drinks on the market are either very sweet or taste funky – this particular powder has a light flavor. If I had to be honest – I didn’t like the flavor and neither did my son (who uses it pre-workout). But, that was easily fixed by adding it to a flavored drink instead of just water.
This powder is best used during a high-intensity workout for that extra hydration boost and prolonged energy. Nakedade contains Palatinose (isomaltulose) which is a smart carbohydrate sourced from sugar beets. During the manufacturing process, the sucralose is isolated, leaving behind the potentially harmful fructose and glucose. This functional carbohydrate works to improve fat oxidation during physical activity and prolongs and maintains energy supply.
Our Thoughts on Nakedade
Since my eldest son actively workouts with a pretty rigorous routine, I had him take the Nakedade first and be my tester. After the first time using a packet in his water – he did say he noticed that he didn’t feel so sluggish or as tired post-workout. He also noticed that he didn’t feel like he was extremely thirsty. Nakedade definitely made for a good post-workout drink and it did help with replacing his lost electrolytes.
Nakedade & Naked Gut are Dairy Free, Certified Gluten-Free, GMO Free, Soy Free and Vegan
He was not a fan of the taste but drank it nonetheless. It dissolved easily and was not chalky – all things that he and I both considered were really good positives. I as well did not like the taste. I felt like I was drinking sparkling water – which isn’t a bad thing, but it was a bitter type of sparkling water. Maybe if I tried the other flavor it would be different. I enjoyed the energy I got from it but I couldn’t relate to the same level as my son since my workouts are not nearly as extreme.
If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to sports drinks that have a ton of sugar in them, then I definitely suggest checking this out. I was able to make it work by adding it to other drinks. I don’t drink carbonated type drinks any longer so mixing it with something other than water helped to take the carbonation down a bit and it was easier to drink.
Nakedade Pricing
Currently on the website a bag of Electrolytes Powder Packets (currently available only in Blueberry Lemonade) retails for $23.99. A serving size is 1 stick and you get a total of 16 sticks per bag. You can read all about the product here.
Naked Gut
I am a probiotic gal. Due to my various health issues, probiotics have been a staple in my nutritional health and supplements for years. I had the opportunity to also try the Naked Gut Health Supplement. This product only contains seven natural ingredients including prebiotic fibers, probiotics, glutamine, and inulin or optimal gut function. Perfect for maximizing nutrient absorption, minimizing digestive discomfort, and supporting the healthy gut microbiome for better immunity and overall health. This product was designed and created to help you reduce stomach issues like bloating, constipation and inflammation.
Naked Gut is best used as a daily digestive supplement to sports drinks, juice drinks, or smoothies. It can be used once per day with or without food.
I take Naked Gut as part of my daily supplements and mix it in with my coffee, smoothies, or juice. I thought this product would be a great one to try out since I already take probiotics daily but also have lots of stomach issues. I have a number of different types of stomach ailments and it can be difficult to find a supplement that doesn’t screw things up even more.
My Thoughts on Naked Gut
Overall – I like Naked Gut and can see myself using the powder long-term. It didn’t really have any type of taste but I did mix it into my coffee and other drinks. I didn’t try it with just water because if it tasted funky – I’d likely not drink it anymore. This powder dissolves nicely and I don’t recall noticing it leaving an after-taste in my mouth. I like things to be routine and on a schedule and this product surely assisted with that – if ya know what I mean.
Naked Gut Pricing
Naked Gut retails for $24.99 for 40 servings in the container. It is in powder form and one scoop is all you need. If you’re interested in checking out Naked Gut, click here.
Worth it?
So – let’s talk about the overall of both products. First, considering the number of products you get and what you are buying – these products are pretty darn affordable. I take a variety of supplements daily and these are quite comparable and still reasonably priced considering all of their attributes. I was definitely impressed overall with the price point. I’d like to try a few other products like the Keto Fat Bomb, Naked PB, and Naked Shake as those are rated high with great reviews and their overall cost is reasonable as well.
Honestly – considering the different supplements on the market today and the price point, I think Naked Nutrition is a must-buy. I’ll be placing an order soon to try out those other items mentioned and I do think I’ll continue to use Naked Gut in my daily supplement regimen.
I definitely suggest checking out Naked Nutrition and see if any of these products that I mentioned or any others available on their site (there are tons) may fit into your daily supplement or nutritional needs. Naked Nutrition offers Free Shipping for orders over $99 and there are so many options available for everyone.
I want to thank Naked Nutrition for working with me and for being so patient as I take things seriously when reviewing and trying supplemental-type products. I try to use each product till they are empty to ensure I have tried it well in order to provide my opinion.
Disclaimer: The products featured in this post were sent for review consideration. All opinions are my own, 100% honest & unbiased. Affiliate links can and may be posted throughout. Please visit my Disclaimer page for details.
Fat VS Skinny, is that even a thing? I’ll be honest with you, this is probably a topic that many people are thinking about, but don’t normally talk about. …
I know, I know… new year means, “new me” right? Wrong! I’ve realized that I’ve been looking at getting healthy incorrectly all of these years. I didn’t start putting on my weight till after I had kids, so I guess, you could say that my mentality was a tad bit construed, or maybe I was just lazy. But, this year (I actually started in December 2017), I’m making a change in not only my thoughts and how I view things, but what I’m doing to get to my healthy me. Today I share with you my 2018 Personal Fitness Goals. I whole-heartily agree that a person’s fitness and health goals should be tapered and adjusted, customized and unique to that particular person. We aren’t cookies, so, therefore, we shouldn’t have cookie-cutter goals and routines. Don’t you agree?
Try New Things: I really want to be able to embrace new workouts by trying new things and including a variety of different stuff. By doing so you will encourage your body to continue burning fat for energy and increasing your metabolism. While I know it, I often get stuck in the same rut. My schedule is never my own, so I workout and exercise around everyone else’s time. Because of this, I find myself doing what I know works and that fits within that given time frame. The problem is that my body eventually gets to a standstill and as I plateau, I get discouraged. I have somewhat figured out a way around this. By creating a schedule block of different exercises throughout the week, changing between interval training, cardio and stretching as well as a good walk/jog each week, my body will still be active while still burning fat and building leaner muscle. Adding in additional dance and hip-hop fitness into the mix is a great way to jumpstart the routines as I’m changing them around throughout the month. I’ll test my theory and I’ll get back with all of you on how it has worked for me.
Get Running: I also look at my current fitness and exercise regimen and compare it to what I used to do before. I bet most people didn’t know that I was a runner. I ran cross country and track in middle school and high school. I used to be pretty fast too. After a few ankle injuries in the last 20-25 years and a bad knee, I stopped running or even jogging and it’s been a struggle for me to get back on track. By the end of this year, I want to be able to at least jog without being in so much pain. I have been slowly increasing my walks to a light jog lately and I noticed that it’s a challenge for my aches and pains. But with proper support and effort, I think I can include low impact running into my workout routine before the end of the year.
Planks, Pull ups and Push ups – oh my: Before planks were a popular thing, my Daddy had me doing them along with pull ups and push ups each day. It’s how I kept my core strong and strengthened my arms so that I could paddle my surfboard out to the wave breaks and stand up on the board, balance and catch a wave. It’s been years since I’ve been able to really do any of those things. However, I’ve been slowly incorporating all three into my exercise regimen the last month. I’d love to be able to do planks, push ups and pull ups easily, without having to stop to take a break between each set. I’d also like to be able to do it the challenging way instead of easy. I think by incorporating a little of it in each workout, by the end of the year, I’ll be to able to do it without struggling.
Positive affirmation and goals: You see the photo above? Well, that photo was taken in 1998, back when I was smaller than a size 8 and 125 lbs wet. It seems like a lifetime ago. Obviously, I have had three children (2 pregnancies) and I weigh more than 150 lbs above that weight that I am in that photo. I’m realistic that I can do well and I can lose my weight, tone my muscles and build lean muscle, but, honestly, I will never look the same again. I will have saggy skin once I lose my weight and that’s something I have to deal with, but I will be healthy and happy because I accomplished it all. My biggest fitness goal this year is to use my past body as inspiration, determination and drive to be a healthier person, not using it as a way to bring me down. Our lives are filled with enough negativity and lack of drive, that I want to make sure that I’m not soaking all the bad energy in. I’m doing all of this for a healthier me so that I can be there for my husband and sons. It doesn’t matter what anyone says or the looks they give because it doesn’t feed my drive to be a better me. My goal this year is to keep positivity around me as much as possible so that I can be much more successful in this healthier lifestyle.
Just me on one of my daily walks.
My 2018 Fitness goals are minimal but I believe they will make a huge impact on me. Besides, when we try out new things or focus on things to drive us, sometimes starting off small is the key. What about you? Do you have any fitness goals for this year? Is there anything in particular that you would like to try or incorporate into the year to get you on track?
This post was done in collaboration with some of my favorite Beauty and Lifestyle Bloggers. Head on over to their links below and check them out.
I’m quite impressed with myself – to be honest, that I was able to release most of my Holiday Gift Guides by the first week of December. Let’s all stand and give me a round of applause, shall we? lol – All kidding aside, I’m pretty happy with myself this year because I laid out a schedule and I kept with it. Today, I’m sharing with you a gift guide that I’m absolutely excited about, because it’s one of my favorites to do each year. When it comes to Stocking Stuffers, I find that they can be the easiest gift to buy for anyone on your holiday gift giving list. Why? Well, because anything that you can fit in a Christmas stocking goes… and for me – that means I get to pick up all the little nifty products that I would love to get or receive as a gift and it can always be something fun, practical or unpractical and definitely interesting. I have a wide list of products that fit into this list so this is going to be a long post – so without further adieu, let’s get started.
Hickies Lacing System is by far one of my favorite gifts to give for the holiday. Each pack is small enough to fit into a stocking (of most sizes) and anyone who wears shoes with traditional laces will love these. I own about 8 pairs myself, using them to change up my shoes from time to time and to fit my personality for the day. Sneaker designs change but one thing that remains the same, are laces. You’ll never have to tie a shoelace again and once you go Hickies, you’ll never go back to traditional laces.
Hickies come in a huge array of colors and sizes for adults and children and are so easy to put on and take off. Hickies is running a Winter Holiday Sale right now – purchase Hickies 1.0 for $13.99 (reg $14.99), Hickies 2.0 for $14.99 (reg $17.99) and Hickies Kids for $9.99 (reg $11.99)
Purchase Hickies at:
I couldn’t mention a cool pair of laces without mentioning something along the lines of fitness and the MilestonePod is definitely a great stocking stuffer. This little device is perfect for any runner or walker and whether you’re training for your first 5K or just getting into shape or staying active, this is the perfect gear for you. This wearable pod not only tracks your running metrics, but it also tells you when it’s time to replace your shoes and it helps to prevent many common injuries a new running should definitely have in their toolkit.
The Pod is easy to use. Simply clip the Pod onto your shoe once and leave it there. The Pod collects data as soon as it senses movement. The Pod is always ready to go and it knows when you start and stop. There is no need to run with your phone to keep track of the data and you can sync your Pod to the MilestonePod App to view detailed performance data and gait metrics. The Pod works everywhere, even indoors and no charging is needed.
The MilestonePod retails for $24.95 and can be purchased at:
Handcrafted jewelry pieces make GREAT stocking stuffers. Pura Vida Jewelry offers gorgeous handmade pieces and each bracelet is carefully handcrafted by artisans in Costa Rica. The commitment to their craft is conveyed through the quality of their gorgeous work. Pura Vida Charity Collection was created to give back to different causes all over the world. Pura Vida is partnered with over 190 charities and have donated more than $935,358 to date. Pura Vida also donates 1% of their annual net revenue to environmental organizations worldwide. The goal of Pura Vida is to continue to expand the charity line and support as many causes as possible. These gorgeous bracelets (pictured above) have been favorites of mine to use on a daily basis because they are dressy, yet casual and work well with anything that I’m wearing.
Pura Vida Bracelets retail for $5.00 each or you can select a Style Pack that retails for $65+. You can purchase your bracelet(s) from Pura Vida at:
When it comes to gift giving – I do my best to offer functional gifts to friends and family. A gift that you can expect from me or a stocking stuffer for all to see would be a reusable tote. Here in Hawaii, plastic bags are banned and unable to be given out at grocery markets so a great tote makes a perfect gift for anyone. Urban Market Bags to the rescue. With Urban Market bags you get 3 or 6 bags per drawstring pack which means you basically have your needs covered with bags should you need them.
Urban Market Bags come in contemporary colors that look great (I don’t know about you but I’m not a fan of that bright blue bag you get at one of those big box stores) and they are made of high quality, durable and machine washable fabric. What I love about them is that they fold up small to fit in a handbag or cupholder of your car as well as a Christmas Stocking and they are just perfect for everyday.Urban Market bags are great to take to the soccer or in my case football field, gym or grocery store and I love that you have three or more bags to take with you and have bags that are stylish.
3 Pack Set retails for $28.00 and 6 Pack Set retails for $40.00 – Urban Market Bags can be purchased at:
Get 20% off from Now till December 16, 2016 (Friday) with code: GIVEORKEEP2016.
Probably one of my favorite stocking stuffers to give out this year comes from Topperfino. If you follow me on Instagram (if not, hello -what are you waiting for? lol) you would have seen me post about Topperfino a few weeks back. Coffee is such a huge part of our everyday lifestyles – well, in my case, it’s now cocoa and tea since I can’t drink coffee as much as I would like. Topperfino is a great coffee innovation, a chocolate topper that not only gorgeous but delectable.
Topperfino is the perfect mix for coffee to create an unparalleled coffee art, but it’s a chocolate topper that can be enjoyed with any frothy hot chocolate or foamy drink. These toppers make fabulous presents.
Get the Limited Edition Holidays Mix – 10 count box for $19.99 or select the design that you think would make a great gift for just $13.99 a 10 count box. Purchase your Topperfino for yourself or a gift at:
I have mentioned LATHER in a previous Gift Guide for Skin Care and Body Care and couldn’t possibly resist sharing them again. LATHER has made great stocking stuffers and ornaments packaged appropriately for the holiday season. The Soap & Candle sets ($18.00 each) make great stocking stuffers as well as the Sugar Plum Kisses Set ($15.00 each) and Vanilla Bath Fizz Combos ($18.00 each). Each set would make a great addition to anyone’s gift collection and are packaged and ready to go for holiday gift giving. Simply add a little bow or hang on a tree and you’re ready to go.
FAB Nails by Beauty Junkees is the perfect little size for travel and on the go, but most definitely makes a great gift for anyone’s holiday stocking. It’s small and fits perfectly inside and it makes a wonderful gift. FAB (File and Buff) Nail File is a 2-in-1 Set that includes the best glass nail file and a case. The file is perfect for natural fingernails and a great nail care alternative to nail polish
This nail file is a great solution for men and women and if you can’t wear nail polish – you’ll enjoy this one. You can keep your nails looking FAB with a high gloss finish that lasts up to four weeks. FAB Nails crystal glass file lasts up to a year, depending on how you care for it and your use. It’s gentle on the nails like a chamois and can be used as a buffer in a back and forth direction, sealing the keratin layers together and preventing peeling and chipping. Unlike harsh Emery boardst hat can cause the keratin layers to shed, leaving your nails thin and sometimes peeling – FAB Nails is a great solution for a smooth, ridge free glossy finish.
This awesome nail file retails for $14.97 and can be purchased here.
I’ve been a long time fan of The Body Shop and I’m absolutely loving their new releases for the year. Any makeup lover would absolutely adore these Down to Earth Eye Palettes that have been recently released. These Limited Edition Eyeshadow Quads are a winter must have and are a part of The Body Shop’s Cruelty-free makeup collection. With 100% vegetarian formulation, which contains no carmine, petrolatum, gluten or mineral oil – these gifts will make a great find for anyone that wants to do good, feel good and look good this holiday season and always.
Available in 5 different shade selections (quads) and retailing for $24.00, these shadows are buttery, feel luxe and are winners this holiday for any makeup lover. You can purchase these at your local The Body Shop store or at:
Speaking of beauty lovers, lippies make great holiday stocking stuffers. Having to narrow down my favorites is nearly impossible, so I figured what better product to choose than a lippy that will protect the lips during the colder months. FarmHouse Fresh Hydrating Lip Balms have been a staple for my lips this Fall and Winter and I thought these would make great stocking stuffers. Available in Coconut Beach and Whoopie! Cream, these lip balms are so sleek and ready to rock out any pout.
Made with jojoba oil and shea butters, these lip balms promote healing and hydration with a long-wear formula that lasts and lasts with one application. They have a light fragrance and taste, but overall I love that they leave my lips hydrated all day long. These lip balms are perfect for travel and on the go and will be a great gift for anyone that needs a little lip therapy.
The FarmHouse Fresh Hydrating Lip Balms retail for $15.00 and can be purchased at:
The perfect little nail kit for the nail lover’s Christmas Stocking would be great nail wraps or decals. I was recently introduced to Glossique Nail Deco which makes it easy for anyone to have a gorgeous manicure at anytime. Say goodbye to dry-time, chipping and harsh chemicals and have a wonderful manicure for those holiday parties. I picked up a few of these to put in each of my nieces stockings this year because they are so fun and easy to use. Glossique offers a variety of different designs and they literally can be put on in minutes at anytime.
Glossique Nail Deco Decals retail for: $15.00 and can be purchased at:
Personalized gifts make great stocking stuffers too. Whether they are handcrafted using your own creativity or you utilize a service and put your own spin on things, I love a great personalized gift in my stocking. This cute square compact mirror you see here is a great gift. Retailing for $15.95 you can create your own by adding your own text and image. I used a photo of a sunflower that I took in my garden and added fun text that I love. The options are endless and you can personalize it with a family photo or anything you see fit.
Personalize your own gift at:
I certainly didn’t forget about the kiddos in our lives. Stocking Stuffers are so fun to shop for when it comes to kids because they are so happy to get fun little things that they can play with. My sons are no exception and I love that we can easily put small and fun gifts into their stocking and they will cherish it all. Lego Mixels are one of my favorite things to stash into a stocking each year. Mixels are created by Lego and are similar to basic lego in that you can build different characters utilizing a set of legos to create from. My sons love them and have quite a collection of these little guys so it’s always fun to add to their sets.
Lego Mixels can be purchased at different locations like Walmart, Target and other stores and I love that they range in price from $4.99 and up so there is a Mixels set for anyone.
The National Geographic Bug Dig Kits are something my sons love and that I love giving out as gifts. Each set allows you to dig up 3 real bugs and kids love to uncover these perfectly preserved insect specimens (spiny spider, fortune beetle and scorpion). Of course – there are a bunch of different bug kits online and National Geographic and Dr. Cool’s kits are our favorites. These make great stocking stuffers or gifts and offer an educational adventure for each child that gets one. Children will learn all about their speciments as well as many other fascinating anthropods and it becomes a cool interactive lesson with a hands-on science kit. The bugs can be kept and inspected in all angles as the bugs are preserved in transparent acrylic for easy examination.
These fun sets retail for about $10 – $20 and can be purchased here.
Like most of my gift guides this 2016 – this one is particularly lengthy, but I wanted to ensure to provide all of you, my readers with a variety of different things to help inspire your holiday gift shopping. Christmas is 13 days away and if you’re still out shopping, I definitely suggest checking out some of these finds. A few things I didn’t include in my gift guide but definitely suggest are:
Pens or Pencils (I love getting new fun gel pens for the holiday – they are great gifts for a planner lover or student)
Candy Canes (I absolutely love seeing all of the different candy canes now available in stores, grab a box of canes and put a few in a stocking. Because, everyone loves a great sweet treat)
Body lotion (I didn’t include this one in the list, but I love getting some new body lotion for holidays – anything sweet smelling is right for me)
homemade goods (I make a pie or chex mix, homemade fudge or something delectable to give to my postman, delivery guys and friends and family. Sometimes making things from the heart are the best goods anyone will receive)
** Holiday Gift Giving Tip: Keep in mind shipping times and delivery schedule when ordering online and find out from the company prior to purchasing if it will be shipped and delivered in time for holiday gift giving.
If you’re looking for more ideas for your holiday shopping, be sure to check out the following links for my guides and inspiration: (this list will be updated periodically as new guides become available)
The Holidays is probably my favorite time of year and when it comes to Christmas gifts, I love shopping for family and friends. Any of these gifts would make a great selection for anyone this holiday season – even you, if you’re planning to treat yourself. What about you, are there any gifts on this list that you hope to find in your stocking this year, comment below and share!
Happy Holidays!
Disclosure: Some of the products featured in this post were sent for editorial consideration, while others were purchased by This post may contain affiliate or referral links. For more details and outline of my product review disclosures and policies, affiliate links, etc. please visit my Disclosures page.
As a family, our lives tend to be a bit hectic and busy. I just consider us busy because we are out in the world, making memories and enjoying life. This year all three boys started school the same week they started Football practice for Pop Warner. Let’s just say it has been a busy month so far and keeping the littles on task for school while still getting them to and from practice and games can be a challenge but overall rewarding and we make it work to the best to our ability. With a schedule that starts from 6am and ends at 8:30pm for the boys, they have a long day and their little bodies keep truckin from rise to bed. To keep t hem on top of their game and play, I try to incorporate great tasting snacks like CLIF Kid Zbar® that have important nutrients for active kids.
It seems like I have a household full of guys that literally eat like crazy, but with three growing boys that’s exactly what is going on. To keep them on their toes, I give them CLIF Kid Zbars, which are nutritious snacks that are made from organic ingredients, all of which are specially-crafted for kids’ developing taste buds and active lives. My sons absolutely love how the CLIF Kid Zbars tastes and they have asked me to purchase them many times.
CLIF Kid Zbars are the perfect portion size for kids. I especially love that they come in flavors that they love and they fit perfectly in their lunch box or backpack to take with them to school. All three boys snack on their CLIF Kid Zbars during break for that mid day snack so that they are not starving when they come home from school. I enjoy that they are made with organic ingredients, are Non-GMO (something we try to steer clear of in our household) and have no high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors or synthetic preservatives.
CLIF Kid has been an essential part of our back to school routine and the boys have been loving the taste and flavors of the snacks they have tried. But, what I love is that they don’t need to be used for just school. CLIF Kid is dedicated to reclaiming play! With balance and active play laying the foundation for skilled, healthy, resilient and successful society, we are keeping our kids active and still providing them fun. This is one of the reasons why my sons are engaged with Play time, no matter what it is. Our play time is football and the boys enjoy CLIF Kid Zbars as a part of their snack after practice.
When my sons are on the filed, they not only get a little active time, but they have a lot of fun and CLIF Kid helps to encourage that. Let’s face it, play is disappearing at home, in school and in communities now a days, especially since technology, television and video games have a little part in that. I remember as a kid, I played outside all the time and it’s sad to see that 70% of moms like me played outside while only 31% of our kids play outside today. I encourage outside play whole heartily and enjoy that my sons love to play and keep active.
Whether it’s back to school or on the field, foraging through the woods or riding a bike – no matter the play time your family enjoys, get out and enjoy it all. Remember, like I said before… make memories while having some fun.
What about you? Do you remember being out exploring and playing till the lights came on? What are your favorite memories of your play time? Encourage play time with your kids if you don’t already, have some fun and create memories.
Music feeds my soul and because of this, I carry a pair of ear buds with me no matter where I go. It’s literally attached to my hip in case I need a little inspiration or need some quiet time and a little relaxation. Sometimes we don’t think about the convenience of things like headphones or ear buds until we are spending 45 minutes untangling them. It’s no secret that I’m brutal with many of my belongings and earphones are one of them. I literally take them off and toss them in my purse only to find them the next day looking like a bad hair day on steroids… it’s traumatic to say the least. Today I bring to you a product that my son Kevin and I have been absolutely loving. See, he is an earphone extraordinaire as well and you can easily find a pair of earbuds in his pocket on any given day. Today – we share with you a revolutionary product called – CordCruncher. These tangle-free earbuds (they also have charging cables) help solve a solution my son and I deal with on a daily basis – tangled head phone cords.
How many of you spend minutes or longer untangling your headphones? How many of you have headphones that look like mine (pictured above)? US&M partnered and collaborated with Spice Girl and America’s Got Talent judge, Mel B. for the global launch of CordCruncher, a much needed and most convenient tangle-free earbuds. Since Mel B. leads an active lifestyle and loves working out, she uses her Cord Cruncher to prevent tangling while she is listening to her music during her workout sessions. These awesome headphones are available in four different colors so you can pick the one that best fits your personality and style and they offer you the ease of mind – knowing you won’t be spending an hour untangling cords the next time you want to use your earbuds.
There are different types of CordCrunchers available. The Tangle Free Earbuds with Microphone and the Standard Tangle Free Earbuds are $29.99 and the Mel B Signature Series Tangle Free Earbuds are $39.99. My son and I both own the Mel B Signature Series in Cobalt Blue and Poppin Pink.
The technology of the CordCruncher is designed and engineered right here in the US. It’s a patented tangle free cord management system that has a Tangle Free Sleeve that is made of medical grade natural USA latex rubber.
The earbuds have great features like – well, of course… they NEVER tangle and have patented adjustable bass and drivers making the sound incredible for acoustics of all kinds. It extends and retracts into the tangle free sleeve 40″ to 16″ and includes 3 pairs of different sized ear tips. The different sized ear tips are especially important to me because I have sensitive ears and I can adjust the size of the earbud to fit comfortably in my ear. What makes this so great as well is that you can wrap the CordCruncher around your wrist or neck for storage while on the go… hello, genius.
Using these earbuds is as simple as pulling out the cord to use them and then stretching the latex sleeve over the cord when you are done to store them away. It’s just a matter of a little finger work and you’re good to go. I especially love that I can turn up the base with just a little turn of the actual earbud itself, offering great audio with acoustic sound that gets me pumped up and ready to go for a walk and run or workout. You can extend the cord to 40″ which gives you a lot of length for your convenience, or tuck some of it away for a shorter cord that gives you a little more freedom to move.
“These earbuds are awesome. I use them in various electronics – my iPad, Samsung Note and to listen to music or watch videos. They are comfortable to wear and easy to put away. I just toss them in my backpack and they have never tangled. It’s a great invention.” – Kevin
These earbuds are seriously a great buy. Considering the quality and the technology as well as the ease of use, they are an impressive product that I would highly suggest to anyone. If you are someone like me that uses music to inspire you or watches YouTube videos on the fly and you take music with you on a workout or run, you’ll absolutely LOVE these.
I remember a time when headphones and earbuds were really affordable and that also meant they didn’t last long. In the time when a set of headphones can cost you upwards of $100 or more, these definitely offer similar quality but the convenience of not only using on the go – but they never tangle. If you ask me, it’s a WIN.
You can get these earbuds and others products from CordCruncher at: If you are tired of tangled headphones and earbuds, I highly suggest you check these babies out, they’re awesome. They are so good, they made my April Favorites 2016 Video, which you can watch here. I’m sure you’ll see these pop up in various videos on my channel or in social media because we truly enjoy them.
I want to thank my son Kevin for offering his input and for helping me test out the CordCruncher.
So, have you heard of the CordCruncher earbuds before? If you have, what are your thoughts on them? If not, is this is something you think you would get some use out of?
Disclaimer: I received these products for review consideration. All opinions are my own, 100% honest and unbiased and I was not paid to provide my thoughts for feature these products. Affiliate links are posted through out.