Today in Microfashion… A few weeks ago, Luke & Isaiah’s school celebrated Spirit Week and included Book Character Day for the students. Each child was to work…
Woohoo for Halloween. While it is not our favorite Holiday, Halloween certainly ranks top in my family’s list of days in the year. With Halloween approaching just a…
As the sun sets and creates a beautiful array of colors that light the soon to be night sky a magical mystical creature is born. Twilight, an Autumn faerie…
Fall is upon us and Halloween just a few short weeks away. While Halloween is not my #1 absolute favorite holiday, (it’s top 5) it is definitely exciting…
Happy Halloween! Check out what is going on in our neck of the woods!
Anytime my Husband, Sons and I have some family togetherness is always a plus and last weekend it was no exception. Since my husband had the day off,…
Hi Loves… This is my Sugar Skull Makeup Tutorial. It is my second time creating a look like this, the first was last year and while last years…
I finally filmed and got up my first Halloween Makeup Tutorial for 2013. I have a few more planned out, but decided I would start with this one…